Last modified 22NOV12
Abbott, E. A.
281; author of Flatland
Abrams, Shoshana
756; rooms w/Spodek at ETA
Academia de Vera Cruz
259; tennis academy in Mexico
Academy of Visual Arts and Sciences
1050; Adult Children of Alcoholics
1050; Adult Children of Gamblers (?)
1050; Adult Children of Narcotics Addicts
Actaeon Complex
290; "deep phylogenic fear of transhuman beauty"
55; North Shore Assistant District Attorney who has it in for Gately; lives in "upscale Wonderland Valley section of Revere"; wife "needs Valium just to floss" 59; 818; 821; talking with Pat M. about apologizing to Gately, 960; wears a Stetson w/feather, fn.14/984-85;
ad valorem
33; Latin: to value. "In proportion to the value"
marijuana, 17; giving one's self away, 53; "Drug addicts [...] are not often inclined toward violent crime" 55; "Who teaches your U.S.A. children how to choose their temple?" 107; Kicking The Bird, 135; Mario I. to Madame Psychosis' WYYY show, 171, 190; methadone clinic in Unit #2, 194; stats and info on, 200; "all but lose your mind when [the enslaving substance] is taken away from you" 201; "Analysis-Paralysis," 203; McDade's tattoo of "flaming skull on his left shoulderblade" 206; Joelle's to "the Material [freebase cocaine]" 222; Pemulis' "neurasthenic stomach" 267; Troeltsch and 'drines" 267; Hal's "devolution from occasional tourist to subterranean compulsive" 270; "some people never get over the loss of what they'd thought was their one true best friend" 273; The Spider, 274; "difference between abstinence v. recovery" 277;
Statue of Liberty, 33, 367; "declining fortunes of broadcast television advertising, 150; sponsorships, 264, 266; TV-advertising's demise, 411;
89; aka Assassins des Fauteuils Rollents, aka Wheelchair Assassins of Québec
Agnew, Spiro
Ahts of Vancouver
243; primitives
491; fn.223/1036
All-Bright Printing
894; where Parias-Carbo works; near Jackson-Mann School;
Allen, Woody
944; American comedian, film actor and director; parodied by Himself in Death in Scarsdale
Allston, MA
"Kiss me where it smells, she said, so I took her to Allston" 154, 578
178; resident at Ennet House, from Cuba
Altman, Robert
835; American film director - "crafted imitation of aural chaos"
American Council of Disseminators of Cable (A.C.D.C.)
Anchorman's Bloat
Anhedonia is the inability to experience pleasure; "You seek to vanquish and transcend the limited self whose limits make the game possible" 84; "it is often more fun to want something than to have it" 205; simple melancholy, afflicting goal-oriented people, 692-93
"cold annular fusion" 64; annular hyperfloration cycles, 65; vicious circle of drug-taking and tennis, 67; "circle of arms" 69; "annularly overfertilized forests" 93; "firelight's circle" 103; "curve's classically annular shape" 150; "annularized Great Concavity's No-Time," 183; "cold-fusion ring" 185; "annulation equations" 185; "the ultimate annular fusion" 222; "some beastly post-annular scopophiliacal vector" 233; "subannular regions of the Great Concavity" 241; "annular-generated amps" 242; 306; 309; & Jim Incandenza, 502-03; and shame, 535; "the annulated Shawshine River" 561; 569; explained, 570-74; annular medicine, 572; Mr. Green "clunking around in circles" 580; people "milling in rings" around an Empire W.D.V. mishap, 620; "concentric rings of pond and crowd" 622; Metallurgy of Annular Isotopes , 624; "his finger's annular pallor" 638; more concentric rings, 718; ETA's annular heating system, 870; "concentric circles" 891;
1020; German: "connection"; O.N.A.N.ite Anschluss, 421; "of Hitler" 777;
Anti-Anti-O.N.A.N. Activities' Agency
549; under U.S.O.U.S.; fn.229/1037
185; 376; 380; fn.61/996
Antitoi Entertain[m]ent
215; "cut-rate mirror, blown-glass, practical joke 'n gag, trendy postcard, and low-demand old film-cartridge emporium [...] just up Prospect St. from Inman Square in Cambridge's decayed Portugo/Brazilian district" where Pemulis bought the DMZ from 2 Canadian insurgents, on Inman Square in Cambridge, MA; owned by Antitoi brothers, 300; 304; Gately drives past, 480; sell used entertainment cartridges, 483;
Antitoi, Bertraund
480; "the brains of the outfit" viz. the Antitois' cell, "self-contained, a monomitotic cell, eccentric and borderline-incompetent"; death, 486; Front-Contre-O.N.A.N.isme action against the "Canadian Minister of Inter-O.N.A.N. Trade, 690-91;
Antitoi, Lucien
480; Bertraund's brother who doesn't know French; death, 488;
appropriation artist
23; former romantic interest of Gately's
Arslanian, Idris ("Id")
98; 14-year-old Pakistani ETA student; 567;
Assassins des Fauteuils Rollents
See Wheelchair Assassins of Québec
51; make fans that blow toxic smoke/fumes north to Canada; "giant protective [...] fans atop the hugely convex protective walls of anodized Lucite" 93; "make really big fans" 240; 268-69; Sunstrand Plaza, 542; de-linting, 542; 1017;
A.T.P. Tour
111; 259
Au Bon Pain
130; cafe in Harvard Square; 212
Avalon, Frankie
Axford, Trevor ("The Axhandle")
50; ETA student; clean-urine sales (w/Pemulis), 151; "only three-and-a-half digits on his right hand" 332; fireworks accident 3 Interdependence Days past, 512; "a true redheaded person" 512; fell off his bike and "received a tiny lesion-type brain injury after which all food everywhere tastes horrible to him" 628; Big Buddy to Penn and Ingersoll, fn.209/1035
Axhandle, the
See Axford, Trevor
199; "Bacon's popes"
Bain, Kevin
800; Marlon's older brother, at Inner Infant group Hal happens upon; parents killed in traffic helicopter accident, 803; "short thick person with a dark swart face" 805;
Bain, Marlon
46; ETA student in Orin's dream; Orin's affair with his sister, 47; 246; ETA student when Orin attended, 284; 296; had O.C.D., 1039; excessive sweating, fn.234/1039; in Death in Scarsdale , fn.234/1039; "practically lived" with the Incandenzas in Weston AZ, fn.234/1043; letter to Steeply, fn.269/1047; mother "decapitated by a plummeting rotorblade" 1051; in Himself's films, 687;
726; A.F.R. member making rounds of halfway/rehab houses; haven't located veiled performer as of 11/19/YDAU, 845; going to place large mirror on highway to commandeer Québec team's bus, 846;
435; breaking & entering;
186; poem
Bash, Jennie
114; ETA student; 551
Baum, Crosby
229; "academic" at Notkin's party
Bay Bank
130; "off Sherman Street" in Boston
491; 745
Beak, Peter
97; 12-year-old student at ETA; sleeping with eyes open, 110; 460; rooms w/Whale and Virgilio, 757;
32; "I Want To Tell You"; 243; Dr. Robert, 927; See also McCartney, Paul
Belbin, Jennifer
207; Ennet House resident w/teardrop tatoos; 363; 596;
Benny, Jack
828; American entertainer
235; "Ecstacy of St. Theresa"
Better Late Than Never
209; AA group at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 2 blocks from Ennet House; 534; "St. E's" 540;
834; 60s TV sitcom
Big Book
360; AA's book
Big Buddy
66; "big-brotherly type support and counsel" given by upperclassmen at ETA to the younger students; "Each E.T.A. player in 18-and-Unders has four to six 14-and-Unders kids he's supposed to keep his more experienced wing over" 98
Big Red Soda Water
222; Joelle's favorite soft drink from childhood
3; Dean of Athletics at Univ. of AZ, "interviewing" Hal
Bing [Crosby]
545; slang for cocaine; "the 'Express Elevator to AA'"; 712; fn.27/994
Bioavailable Five
582; rock band
Birch, Herbert G.
fn.24/987; plays the dentist in Himself's Fun with Teeth; plays son in Himself's Low-Temperature Physics, fn.24/991;
204; metro Boston for a jail sentence
Blanchard's Liquors
546; "off Allston's Union Square"
Bloom, Professor H.
fn.366/1077; "turgid studies of artistic influenza "
Blott, Kent
97; 10-year-old student at ETA; father "a cutting-edge E.N.T. oncologist" 111; confessing anxiety re masturbation to Lyle, 390; "humanities-type kid" 668;
Bly, Robert
806; American poet and author of Fire In The Belly; "The fire in the belly" fn.321/1066;
Bodine, Jethro
1007; "Ass't Mailroom Technician for the N.O. Saints"; 1014;
20; headshop in Porter Square, Cambridge, MA
Bollettieri, Nick
79; in Sarasota, tennis camp
Bonk, Mildred L.
38; beautiful 8th grader; 179
Bonk-Green, Harriet
39; daughter of Mildred Bonk and Bruce Green; 180
Boone, Bridget C.
49-50; ETA student; introduced Hal to marijuana, 67; 633;
Boston AA
343; Betty Crocker Cake Mix trope, 467;
Boston Univerity
284; Terriers, 286;
Bouncety-Bounce, Mr.
35; host of Interlace Spontaneous-Dissemm. children's program; "-brand bow-biters" 111; 520; "appears in his old cloth-and-safety-pin diaper and paunch and rubber infant-head mask" 648; 878; Gately loves the show, 922;
129; gay bar in Harvard Squar[e], Boston
314.1-3; lost or impaired ability to make decisions or act independently, abulic.
Brando, Marlon
157; American film actor who ruined two generations "with their own bodies and everyday objects" 157;
Brandt, Otto
32; janitor at ETA; "Submoronic-to-moronic" 873; appeared in Zero-Gravity Tea Ceremony, 874;
Bread & Circus
478; organic, chi-chi grocery in Inman Square, Cambridge MA; shopping carts with calculators attached, 623;
944; compared to Himself
185; Parisan-French filmmaker compared to Himself; 944
Brewster's Angle
138; See also Glynn, Doony
Brighton Fence & Wire
607; where Glynn Doony worked;
Briggs electrode
470; implanted in brain to prevent seizures
Brigham and Women's City of Boston Hospital
Brighton Best Savings Bank (B.B.S.B.)
542; 708;
88; (fn.38) "Goethe's well-known"; 641
Brookline Young People's Mtg. (B.Y.P.)
555; AA group "on Beacon neary the Newton line"; 736
185; ??
Broullîme, M.
127; member of Les Assassins; Marathe's superior, 420; 722; lectures on Trans-3-methyl-2 hexenoic acid, a material present in "the sweat of grave mental illness" 733-34;
140; Before Subsidization; last year B.S. Was 2001
Québecois Sepératiste Left term for Office of Unspecified Services; See Unspecified Service, Office of
Bud, Uncle
221; Joelle's; 239
Bulat, Doshka (?)
447; Gately's missing Estonian father
Bunyan, J.
322; author of Pilgrim's Progress From This World To That Which Is To Come
185; French ?? filmmaker
Burns, Major
642; M*A*S*H character
Burroughs, William
21; American writer of the "Beat" generation; 212
695; melancholia ;
Bush, G. (George)
63; American president, 1988-92; 230; 473;
Byrne, F. X. ("Follow That Ambulance")
512; "rapacious personal-injury J.D."
Byzantine Erotica
Hal's interest in, 29; "a triptych of high-quality" 35; 950
C, Bobby
128; "Wos' former aquaintance from crewing with slopes on the North shore for Whity Sorkin in the days of his youth"; junkie in Boston who hangs with Poor Tony and "yrstruly"; takes off patty's ear, 129; 300; henchman for Sorkin, 917;
1055; "pimple cream," (see fn 304a, p. 1062) [NOTE: this is not the chemical formula for benzoyl peroxide as some have suggested. (That formula is C14H10O4.)] I was informed by a reader named Olympia McGurk, "...this is not benzoyl peroxide; its chemical name is propionyl peroxide (or more correctly but less commonly dipropionyl peroxide). It is a precursor used in the synthesis of some polymers but is most emphatically not pimple cream as DFW claims. I suspect it would burn your skin off." Although, Olympia continues, "I also realized that it could just be a printer's or editor's error: the formula would be correct for benzoyl peroxide if it were (C6H5CO)2O2 instead of (C2H5CO)2O2. The substitution of C2H5 for C6H5 (ethyl for benzyl) would be a natural error for someone who knew a little bit of chemistry but who wasn't thinking about aromatic rings."
fn.26/994; "scandal thought brought down so many funeral directors in the Year of the Purdue Wonderchicken"
"cages over the lightbulbs";
Cage, John
fn.24/989; his 4'33 an unnamed influence of Himself's The Joke
Caisse de Dépôt et Placement
751; workplace of Health-Benefits administrator whose name Maranthe appropriates
Cambridge City Hospital
Cameron, James
48; American filmmaker (Terminator, Aliens, Titanic, etc.)
Camus , Albert
12; Nobel Prize winning Fr. writer/philosopher
Candida Albicans
33; a dimorphous organism that can be either a yeast, in which form it is not invasive, or a fungus, in which form it is.
Cantor, Georg
82; fn.35/994
410; early ETA prorector; and Clipperton in YoW, 432;
Carty, Gary
891; friend of Gately's with whom he'd trap lobsters "in the pre-dawn reek of low tide"
Casey , William J.
473; former director of the CIA
Cathy or Kathy
920; beautiful R.N. who assists Gately in defecating
Chang, Michael
389; tennis pro
Chaos Theory
and tennis, 81-82; "What if heredity, instead of linear, is branching" 220; 341; fn.34/994
Chawaf, R.-L.-O.
See Richardson-Levy-O'Byrne-Chawaf, Ms. Soma
Cheap-O Records
129; in Boston
Checkpoint Pongo
834; late-80s/early 90s TV sitcom, with "Sam and Carla and Nom"; Nom as Gately's "own organic father" 836; Gately's memories of, 883;
Cheery, Mo
643; owner of Cheery Oil, Troy NY, and employer of Steeply's father
Cheese, Susan T.
130; junkie in Boston; 300;
China Pearl Place
133; in Boston
Chit Chat Farms Rehabilitation of Pennsylvania State
749; where Maranthe (as Henri, the Swiss) did detox
Choosy Mothers
582; (name taken from 1970s era slogan of Jif peanut butter: "Choosy mothers choose Jif."
Chore Boys
222; 225
Chrétien, J.
384; Canadian Prime Minister & co-Vice Chair of O.N.A.N.
Christianson, Daphne
Chu, LaMont
112; ETA student; 328; confessing addiction to being a famous tennis star to Lyle, 388; 458;
Chuck or Chick
531-33; guy who shoots guy who "made him look small" in front of his girl
635-13: partly digested food passed from stomach to duodenum
264; ETA student
Claprood, Governor
576; pre-O.N.A.N.ite governor of MA
Clarke, Mrs.
112; works in kitchen at ETA; 120; 193; "former Four-Star dessert chef" 380;
65; "sad old ex-QB" for Arizona Cardinals
Clean and Serene
699; N. Cambridge NA group
See Henderson, Clenette
573+4; kilometers
Clinton, Hillary R. (aka Hillary R.C.)
Clipperton, Eric
407; Clipperton Brigade; fin de siecle unseeded 16-year-old tennis legend who threatened to shoot himself if he ever lost a game; 431; from Crawfordsville IN, 433; 681;
Clow, Lori
fn.209/1035; ETA student playing microtennis w/Freer
292; central nervous system
Columbia Guide to Refractive Indices Second Edition
161; book young J.O.I., Jr. is holding in garage
343; "some members of one Group commit to hit the road and travel to another Group's meeting to speak publicly from the podium"
Concavity Cabinet
400; Pres. of Mexico, J. Gentle, R. Tine, Sec. Int. Blaine, Sec. State Billingsley, Sec. Transp. Marty, Sec. H.E.W. Trent, Sec. Treas. Chet, Press Sec. Jay, Sec. Def. Ollie; Sec. H.U.D. Sivnik;
Consummation of the Levirates
171; old print of "minor and soft core Alexandrian mosaic" in Hal's & Mario's room; 952
Contraria Sunt Complementa
713; Latin: "We Are What We Are Against"
Cortelyu, April
206; Ennet House resident
620; "The fellowship and anonymous communion of being part of a watching crowd" as antidote, 621;
Coyle, Kyle D.
50; ETA student; 266; rooms w/Stice, 394; from Erythema AZ (outside Tucson), 453; stepdad went to "one of those men's-issues-Men's-Movement-type Meetings" 804; "having them discharges again" 868; "doesn't have his key since the accident with the whirlpool" 942;
1019; Calgarian pro-Canadian Phalanx; 489;
fn.24/987; one of the subjects of Himself's Kinds of Pain
129; mug; rob
Criess, Jolene
514; young ETA student; 755;
Crocodiles, The
354; elder White Flaggers
Csikzentmihalyi, Zoltan
98; 16-year-old, little-English speaking student at ETA; "a marginal Slavic kid" fn.324/1070;
219; molded plastic chair of, at Notkin's apartment
Culte du Prochain Train, Le
732; of which Maranthe was a member; "La" "The Cult of the Next Train" fn.304/1058;
Culte de Baiser Sans Fin, La
fn.304/1061; "Cult of the Endless Kiss," another Québec separatist cult
283; Clean U. S. Party, Gentle's party; "annular agnation of ultra-right jingoist. . .and far-left macrobiotic. . .a surreal union of. . .disillusioned fringes" that "swept to quadrennial victory" as a third party, 382; 1016;1022;
See McNair, Stokely
Day, Geoffrey
209; Ennet House resident; "red-wine-and-Quaalude man who [...] manned the helm of a Scholarly Journal" 272; fn.90; "closet poofta" 561; the dark, billowing horror triggered by violin notes and vibrating window-glass, 649; attended Brown University and graduated magna cum laude, 650; telling Gately about his brother who "had enormous red loose lips and wore eyeglasses so thick his eyes had looked like an ant's eyes" w/phobic fear of leaves, 828; article on A.F.R. that Struck is reading (by G.T. Day), fn.304/1056;
33; "of maxillofacial yeast"
273; TP viewer
Decade Magazine
284; ran a short interest-piece on Orin
Deep Throat
955; a B.S. 70s porno flick
Delco incident
Deleuze, M. Gilles
792; "posthumous Incest and the Life of Death in Capitalist Entertainment
deLint, Aubrey F.
3; ETA prorector; 306; described, 657;
Delphina, Lady
131; dope dealer "down by the Empire" in Boston; selling to Joelle v.D., 225; 300;
DeNiro, Robert
944; American film actor
De Palma
185; (Brian) American film director
Department of Social Services (D.S.S.)
Gompert's clinical, 69; unipolars ("tormented by the conviction that no one lese could hear or understand them"), 75; 692; anhedonia, or simple melancholy, afflicting goal-oriented people, 692-93; clinical, 695; psychotic, 695-96; a "trapped person [who] reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise" 696; beyond human aid, 697;
Deren, Maya
185; at Notkin party; 228
Desai, Dick
491; in Data Production, B.S.S.
Desert Beat Theater Project
63; J. Incandenza, Sr.'s interest
725; A.F.R. volunteer who viewed the Entertainment
975; colleague of Bobby C.'s; DesMontes [sp] "had no realy loyalties or membership in any community" fn.369/1078
Dickinson, Emily
fn. 110/1005
Diehl, Gavin
177; resident at Ennet House; 208; 363; 596;
Diggs, Mrs.
76; co-worker of K. Gompert
Dimock Detox
272; where Geoffrey Day came from
564; "that skittery kid" at Ennet House
"your personal will is the web your Disease sits and spins in" 357;
Dixon, Franklin W.
811; name used for high-interest account of Ewell's Money-Stealers' Club
170; [Link to Oneirine] powerful psychedelic described as "temporally-cerebral and almost ontological", aka Madame Psychosis ; 211-15; "envision acid that has itself dropped acid" 214; "time-tested entrepôt" 216; traded to Antitois by old hippy (Sixties Bob?) for "antique blue lava-lamp and a lavender-tinged apothecary's mirror" 481-82; Pemulis researching, 785; fn.8/984; per Pemulis: "doesn't show up on a G.C./M.S. [...] Struck tracked this down off an obscure Digestive-Flora footnote. It's the fitviavi-mold base. If the stuff shows up at all it shows as a slight case of imbalanced yeast" fn.321/1064; "original intent was to induce what they called quote transcendent experiences in [...] chronic alcoholics in the like 1960s at Verdun Protestant Hospital in Montreal" fn.321/1064;
Doocey, Tommy
18 (not named); "kept several large snakes" 39; 75; his hairlip, 179; 584;
acid trails, 43; one-hitter, 49; at E.T.A., 53; "oral narcotis addicts tend to operate on an extremely rigid physical schedule of need and satisfaction" 57; Seldane, 60; "Amanita Muscaria, a.k.a. the fly agaric mushroom" 66; Parnate, 70; Thousand-Meter Stare, 76; "involuted marijuana-type thinking" 136; Talwin, 210; Ecstacy, 230; marijuana addiction, 503; cocaine hydrolysis' effect on various characters in IJ, fn.232/1037; "Marijuana Thinking" fn.269/1048; "operating a pharmaceutical company without a license" 699; "humboldt County hydroponic marijuana" 804; Tenuate, fn.3/983; P.S. (Pulmonary Sloth), fn.6/984;
A.F.R.'s standard, "a double sinuous s-shaped line across the traditional fleur-de-lis motif of Quebecois Separatism, fn.304/1056; Pemulis: "revere the double S. Leap like a knight of faith into the arms of Peano, Leibniz, Hilbert, L'Hôpital. You will be lifted up. Fourier, Gauss, LaPlace, Rickey. Borne up. Never let fall. Wiener, Reimann, Frege, Green" fn.324/1072;
Doucette, Anton ("The Boogerman")
fn.147/1029; ETA student; confessing to Lyle re booger-like mole, 390; clinically depressed, 567;
"talent's unconscious exercise [...] a long waking dream of pure play" 173; "expect some rough dreams [...] Keep a flashlight by your bed" 174-75; "This is also how not to fear sleep or dreams" 175; "dreamy, dreaming music that had the rhythm of long things swinging" 183; "nightmares where you prepare immaculately and [...] the exam questions are in Hindi" 253; "I kept dreaming of a face in the floor" 254; Dream Duty, 272;
Dretske , Fred
70; (pioneer in the field of cognitive science, Philosophy Dept., Duke Univ.)
marijuana cigarette; ("doobie")
Duffy, Maura
973; childhood schoolmate of Gately's
Dukakis, Michael
576; former Governor of Mass., & US presidential candidate who lost to George H. W. Bush in 1988.
Dunkel, Rik
381; ETA prorector; 457;
DuPlessis, Guillaume
30; "the most infamous anti-O.N.A.N. organizer north of the Great Concavity" 58; Gately's strangulation victim (59); "victim's prior involvement with the widow of the auteur " 91; Perec was "stenographer-cum-jeune-fille-de-Vendredi ["Girl Friday"] to, 92; former ass't. coordinator of the pan-Canadian Resistance (92); "once studies under radical Edmonton Jesuits" 420; "late regional patron" of the Antitoi brothers, 480; "of the Gaspé Peninsula" 480; 722;
233; fn.145/1027; film critic at M.I.T.
Dworkinite Female Objectification Prevention and Protest Phalanx
929; Brown Univ. feminist protesters at Yale/Brown basketball game Eighties Bill bets on
17; 9-year-old soft-skulled, blind tennis kid from "Nowheresburg, Iowa" who will be enrolling at ETA "next term"; "little blind Illinois kid Thorp thought so well of" 246; Moment article on, 247; 518; 567;
East Coast AeroTech
602; where Gatlely's predecessor as male live-in Staff worked
eating cheese
202; Boston street term for informing, squealing, narcing, ratting out
Echt, Tina
381; ETA's youngest student (7 years old); background, 523-24
See Reese, Equus
Ecstasy of St. Teresa
235; sculpture by Gianlorenzo Bernini; 238; in Pre-Nuptial Agreement of Heaven and Hell, 742;
Egede or Egette
891; ex-lover of Gately's: "sharp-nosed round-cheeked dead-eyed nurse with a weird Germanish accent [who] couldn't come close to coming unless he burned her with a cigarette" 891
272; unidentifiable word (typo?)
Eighties Bill
"sartorially eccentric cranio-facial-pain-specialist" (not named), 721; upscale gambler who figured in Fackelmann's downfall, 926; son of Sixties Bob, 931; "Sorkin's personal migrainologist" 931;
Elit[e] Diner
354; White Flaggers' hang-out, nextdoor to Steve's Donuts in Enfield Center
Ellis, Bret Easton
191; "ghastly" American novelist
Empire Waste Displacement
121; catapults waste into the Great Convexity; 217; 241; 475
Endless Stem
221; a section of the Charles River (?)
Enfield, MA
about, 240-
Enfield Marine VA Hospital Complex
aka Enfield Marine Public Health Hospital complex (E.M.P.H.H.)
87; managed by U.S. Veteran's Administration, 137; "resembles seven moons orbiting a dead planet" 193;
Enfield Tennis Academy ("ETA")
3; boarding school in Enfield, MA; layout, 51-52; 63; "hilltop shaved flat" 79; pre-Tavis motto: "Te Occidere Possunt Sed Te Edere Non Possunt Nefas Est" 81; Tavis' new ETA motto: "The Man Who Knows His Limitations Has None" 81; "ritualistic [...] bitching and moaning" 111; "We're each deeply alone here" 112; 153; 6-term Entertainment Requirement, 188; philosophy of, 188; prorectors, 283; dawn drills, 452; blue, 508; inanimate objects on the move, 632, 671, 765; "a progression toward self-forgetting" 635; abundant tunnels, 666; Tunnel Club, 667, 899; brooms on the wall, 765; yearly November exhibition/fundraiser, 265, 852, 964, fn.321/1064; "Lots of the top players start the A.M. with a quick fit of crying" 864; Head Trainer before Loach suffered a terrible accident in the sauna, 971;
Ennet House Drug and Alcohol Recovery House
137; founded in Boston by "Guy Who Didn't Even Use His First Name"; 193-98; described, 197; Dream Duty, 272, 785; "20+ bored crammed-together street-canny people" 596;
216; "the incredibly potent stash now wrapped tight in Saran and stashed deep in the toe of an old sneaker that sits atop the aluminum strut between two panels in subdorm B's drop ceiling"; "Entrepôt-bound" 916; "Pemulis's entrepôt-yachting-cap" fn.5a/983; "This was way before the discovery of the ultimate entrepôt above the false ceiling in Subdorm B's male hallway" fn.324/1067;
Epps, Columbus
38; brother of Delores Epps
Epps, Delores
37; sister of Columbus Epps
Erdedy, Ken
17; pothead; Ennet House resident, 209; "college-boy ad-exec" "a yuppy, an account executive at Viney and Veals Advertising" in late 20s, 360; at NA meeting, 503;
154; tennis-court game based on CD-ROM nuclear-conflagration game (fn.53/997); "a Croatian-refugee transfer had brought [it] up from the Palmer Academy in Tampa" 284; 321-42; ESCHAX directory, 509;
Ethan From
884; book Gately couldn't finish in 10th-grade English; 905; 906; 916
674; shooting star; fn.273
Ewell, Eldred K. , Jr. ("Tiny")
85; "elf-sized" personal-injury attorney from Watertown, MA (208); 177 (not named); "white-collar" resident at Ennet House; "I'm not denying anything" 177; 205; "hypertensive flush and little white beard" 352; 362; Money-Stealers' Club, 810;
"the beginning of the Experialist migration in the subsidized Year of the Whopper" 93; "great pre-Experialist upheaval" 283; 385; "a tight and considerably tighter Experialist U.S. of A.,under Gentle" 391; 402-06; 1013;
Exposed Northerners
834; Northern Exposure, late 80s/early 90s weird TV drama
Fackelmann, Eugene ("Fax")
614; criminal colleague of Gately's; "Dilaudid. Blues. Fackelmann's Mount Doom" 886; "eliminated map after the insane scam on Sorkin and a disastrous two nights of Dilaudid" 886; "a towering, slope-shouldered, wide-hipped, prematurely potbellied, oddly priapistic, and congenitally high-strung Dilaudid addict with a walrusy mustache" 912; scamming Sorkin, 916; "temporary giganticism in one tit" 931; eyes sewn open, 979;
1019.5+4; sickle-shaped
Family Trivia
521; 771
Father & Son Market
115; near ETA; 476; Ngs', 593; Benson & Hedges, 759;
Feaster, Ernest
697; a depressed civil engineer (of Wellesly MA) who built model trains whom Kate Gompert came to know
Federated Funnel and Cone Corp.
928; in Providence RI; Eighties Bill "cast himself as White Knight in Bidding for majority control"
185; 8_
felo de se
286; Latin: suicide; 308;
Female Objectification Prevention and Protest Phalanx
47; paranoid-schizophrenic on educational cartridge
254; ETA teacher
feral hamsters
58; 93; 561; possible ETA sighting by Blott, 668; "Piranha of the Plains" 670;
feral infant
See Infant, The
"Ferocious Francis"
see Gehaney, Francis
Fiends in Human Shape, The
156; band's name on Pemulis' T-shirt; lead singer looks like Mildred Bonk (to Bruce Green), 276; 582;
835; silenced background characters in drama and ballet
Fils de Montcalm
fn.110/1011-12; Québec separatist organization; fn.304/1057, dropped shit-filled pie shell onto the rostrum of U.S. President Gentle's second Inaugural" 1061;
331+3; fin. five-spot. fiver. five dollar bill.
647; brand of Belgian cigarette Steeply smokes
Flatto, Thomas M., B.S.S.
490; director of Input/Output testing of "the Entertainment"; 646
Flechette, Dwight
949; ETA student during Orin's time there
Flechette, Walt
46; ETA student in Orin's dream
201; brand of earplug
310; Fronte de la Libération Nationale
722; responsible for cardboard wheelchair guy w/the Entertainment w/smiley face and French phrase; bureau centrale on Allston's Rue de Brainerd, 726;
282; ETA student
Foltz, Johnette Marie
208; Ennet House live-in Staffer; 272; wheelchair-bound NA fiancé, 461; 503; 593; "of South Chelsea and then the Right Honorable Edmund F. Heany Facility for Demonstrably Incorrigible Girls" 786;
Fond du Lac's NoCoat Inc.
151; marketed tongue scrapers; 413
601; "depressing Sober Club in Somerville's Davis Square" (fn.246);
Ford, G. (Gerald)
63; American president, 1974-76
Formal Affair, A
717; store Lenz rips off tux jacket & spats
Fortier, M.
89; "the leader of the Wheelchair Assains' U.S.A. cell" (fn.39/994); 319; Marathe's superior, 420; "A.F.R.'s U.S.A. cell's leader" 722; described, 722, 728; fn.39/994;
Foss, Chandler
207; Ennet House resident; 363; 564; finished out his nine months, 824; "recently graduated nonstick-cookware salesman" 972;
Found Drama
185; 376; "the historical zenith of self-consciously dumb stasis" 398; fn.145; fn 234/1038;
Foundation for Continental Freedom
Fourier Transforms
"The Implications of Post-Fourier Transformations" 7; 182; 966;
Framingham Women's Prison
195; where methedrine addict from New Bedford ends up and gets killed
Frankie the No-Thankee Hankie
878; nixed vehicle for warning about the Entertainment
Freedom of Speculation Act
fn.304/1057; pass in Y.P.W.c.
Freer, Keith B. ("The Viking")
50; ETA student; 198; 282; "his face and body match" 638; dad invented Phoneless Cord, 638; described, fn.324/1067;
Freeway Access Group
707; NA group from Mattapan; 710;
Frightful Hog
692; Lenz's cognomen for his penis; 719;
Fukuoka-Hearn, Judy
fn.24/986; narrated Tennis, Everyone ; narrated Flux in a Box, fn.24/986;
Fully Functional Phil, the prancing ass
879; animated character to convey warning about the entertainment cartridge; his Warning Dance, "a Native-American-cum-Breakdance-type dance" 882;
a fly ball hit especially for practice fielding by a player who tosses a ball in the air and hits it as it comes down (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary)
G., Nell
resident at Ennet House; complaining about someone's drumming on table, 176; 177
Gabor, Dennis
Gala, the
102; Interdependence Day
880; the Cat
Garton, Dr.
73; Kate Gompert's therapist; 76; 78; 776;
Gately, Donald W.
with Wayne and Hal, digging up Himself's head 17; 3 months in Revere Holding, 55; "twenty-seven-year-old oral narcotics addict" 55; "reliable and double-mufflered 4 x 4" 58; 176; 178; resident at Ennet House 194; live-in Staffer, 208; 270; "Substance-free for 421 days today" 274; "almost twenty-nine and sober and just huge" 277; "oral narcotics man" 278; 344; Gehaney is his sponsor, 357; dream of the well-dressed Sergeant at Arms, 359; 997; Higher Power, 442; childhood, 446; Bulat, Gately's missing Estonian father, 447; aka Bim ("Big Indestructible Moron"), 448; Ennet House chef, 461; "solidly pro-American" 479; story of Chuck, 531; moving residents' cars at midnight, 602; altercation with Nuck Hawaiians, 608; in hospital, 707; "the [hospital] ceiling bulged and then deflated, shiny as a lung" 809; polyurethane vacuole, 809; dream of mother getting sucked up by tornado, 816; Otis P. Lord in adjacent bed in hospital, 817; dream of tiny acne-scarred Oriental woman at whom Gately looks up, with rigid dog in distance, 828; appearance of wraith, 829; and the M.P., 840; w/ R.N. nurse addict in Malden, 843; dream of Joelle w/face of Winston Churchill, 847; dream of Joelle as Mrs. Waite, unveiled with angelic face, but is Death, 850; "this certain woman who kills you is always your next life's mother" 850; "the sense of endless Now" 860; shame at lusting after Joelle, 863; resisting Pakistani M.D.'s insistence on his taking Demerol, 887; dream of grabbing Pakistani pharmacologist's balls, 889; and Demerol, 891; scams w/Fackelmann and Kite, 892; "shot cement instead of narcotics" 893; and nurse "out of a racy-nursewear catalogue" 895; childhood, 902; 13-15, "devotee of Quaaludes and Hefenreffer-brand beer" 904; "The Attack of the Killer Sidewalks" 904; "Rite-Aid pharmacist's assistant with disfiguring eczema and serious gambling debts" 906, 975; how he met Sorkin, 911-12; Dilaudid "created a terrible five-second mnemonic hallucination where he was a gargantuan toddler in an XXL Fisher-Price crib in a sandy field under a storm-cloudy sky that bulged and receded like a big gray lung" 915; gorgeous R.N. (C/Kathy) and a goopy-eyed M.D. (Pressburger) rigging bed next to Gately's, 918, 920; late-day dread, 923; dreaming, 933; "dreams he's with a very sad kid and they're in a graveyard digging some dead guy's head up and it's really important, like Continental-Emergency important [and] the sad kid is trying to scream at Gately that the important thing was buried in the guy's head and to divert the Continental Emergency to start digging the guy's head up before it's too late, but the kid moves his mouth and nothing comes out [...] while the kid holds something terrible up by the hair and makes the face of somebody shouting in panic: Too Late." 934; wrecked on Dilaudid w/Fackelmann, 934; comes to "on the beach in the freezing sand, and it was raining out of a low sky, and the tide was way out" 981
Gates, Bill
415; owner and CEO of Microsoft Corp.
Gaudeamus Igitur
Latin: "Therefore, let us rejoice."
Gehaney, Francis ("Ferocious Francis")
209; Crocodile in White Flag AA group; 273; emphysemic, 356; Gately's sponsor, 357; "one of the most ancient and gnarled of the Crocodiles" 468; with Gately at hospital, 884;
Gentle, President Johnny (Famous Crooner)
65; "Famous Crooner" and U.S. President; 283; library phase-out, 288; "né Joyner, lounge singer turned teenybopper throb turned B-movie mainstay, for two long -past decades known unkindly as 'the Cleanest Man in Entertainment'" 381; 398-407; presidential campaign managed by P. Tom Veals, 418; 1013; affair with wife of Canada's Minister of Environment and Resource-Development Enterprises, fn.176/1032; Sans-Christe Gentle, 481; endorsing products, 558; poster of in Ennet House, 831-32;
832; come into Gately's mind in presence of wraith; 922;
77; Kate Gomper's cat
Giovanni's Room
191; "depressing book" read by Madame Psychosis. (1956 book by James Baldwin)
Giving It Away
"people are virtually unlimited in their need to give themselves away" 53; "Our attachments are our temple [...] What we give ourselves to" 107; 12th Step: speaking in front of AA Groups, 344; "We are all dying to give our lives away to something [...] A flight-from in the form of a plunging-into" 900
Glass, Philip
802; minimalist American composer
Gleason, J(ackie)
fn.324/1070; "Leith's historical b/w" American sitcom actor (played buffonish and noisy character Ralph Kramden in "The Honeymooners," a program that ran before color TV.)
fn.324/1070; male ETA student w/ locker between Freer's and Hal's
Glynn, Dwayne "Doony" R.
bricklayer accident, 138-39; Ennet House resident with tatooed neck, 206; 275; 363; skygrid, 542; VW bug, 578; "has recurrent diverticulitis" 594;
does Hal believe in, asks Mario, 40; "the God of their understanding helps them find parking places" 204; "speaks and acts entirely through the vehicle of human beings" 205; "God might regard the issue of whether you believe there's a God or not as fairly low on his/her/its list of things s/he/it's interested in re you." 205; "Coordinated as God" 242;
fn.24/988; his "neoconceptual structuralist films" parodied in Himself's Various Small Flames
Gompert, Katherine Ann ("Kate")
68; suicidal drug-dependent patient; data-clerical in a Wellesley Hills real estate office, 69; resident at Ennet House, 206; 361; at NA meeting, 503; purse snatched by Poor Tony, 714; drinking with Maranthe, 774; missing from Ennet House, 824; [NOTE: there is a real life Kate Gompert, and she sued Wallace over the use of her name in IJ. This 1999 post to wallace-l has more info.]
282; author of Oblomov
Good Morning, Midnight
191; "depressing book" read by Madame Psychosis. (1939 novel by Jean Rhys. Also a poem by Emily Dickinson, 1830-1889)
Gopnik, Josh
119; younger ETA student; 330;
Grateful Dead
208; 481; 904; 918; 927;
Great Bisbee Palm-Rot epidemic
167; in AZ in 1933
Great Concavity
58; 67; 233; provenance, 402-03; "three-quarters of the Concavity's northern border runs contiguous to Québec" 1017; 1018; reason for being, 572; "a surrounding environment so fertilely lush it's practically unlivable" 573; delimited by "Lucite walls and ATHSCME'd checkpoints" 670;
Great Convexity
59; 233; "the glass-walled Great Convexity whose southernd array of ATHSCME Effectuators blow the tidy U.S.'s northern oxides north" 385; provenance, 402-03;1018; "massive lucite walls" 438;
Green, Bruce
38; 8th grader who fell in love with Mildred Bonk; at Ennet House, 179; 207; "garbage-head all-Substance-type kid" 276; 363; Lenz's confidant, 546; 553; parents, 578-81; "'For God's sake no Mr. Ho don't light it!'" 651; broken nose, 819;
Green, Bruce, Sr.
578; father of Bruce; former aerobics instructor (till leg shrank/grew), then "worked in a Waltham novelty or notions concern, something with 'N in the name" 579; packed cigars with tetryl-based explosives, grossly decapitating 3 Rotarians and 24 Shriners, 581;
Green Babies
288; Avril's houseplants; 745;
Green Door, The
955; actually Behind the Green Door, a 70s porno flick
Gregg pen
622; stenographer's pen; 656; 659;
16; and Hal (to alleviate the Moms' guilt), 252; 954
Griffith, D.W.
fn.24/986; Himself dedicated Dark Logics to him
Gunther, Nell
208; Ennet House resident; has a glass eye which she wears backwards, 362;
Guy Who Didn't Even Use His First Name
137; founded Ennet House; 465;
Gymnasium Kaiserslautern
460; where Schtitt went to school, in Germany
Habitant Soup
425; 480;
Hagia Sophia
952; floor plans for, at Qal'at Si'man
49; aka Hal Incandenza
Hamilton, M(argaret)
191; actress who played the West Witch in Wizard of Oz, color Xerox of in Avril's study;
"Riverside Hamlet" 171; "signifying zip" 174; 238; 900; "never once doubts the reality of the ghost"; Poor Yorick Entertainment, fn.24/990; "the graveyard scene from" fn.337/1076;
Hanley, Morris
205; Ennet House resident; "special tollhouse cookies" 205; 279; 363; 564; baked cream-cheese brownies for hospitalized Gately, 826;
Happy Patches
420; fn.169/1031; 474;
Happy Slippers ("pisscatchers")
85-86; what they wear at Ennet House
Harde, Dave ("Fall Down Very")
152; narcoleptic old ETA janitor; fn.93; "Flight of the Bumblebee" 405; 666; "spinal funiculi" fn.324/1066;
Hartigan, Neil
454; laconic ETA prorector; "traditional Tahitian shirt and Gaugin-motif sweater" 460; 525; 667;
802; at Inner Child group
Harvey, Paul
271; radio personality known for "The Rest Of The Story."
883; "tie-ins with"
Hawaii Five-O
584; 60s TV detective show
Hayworth, Rita
209; American film actress of mid 20th century.
834; 70s TV sitcom
Millicent Kent hairdo, 122; eye popping out of "C's map" 134; Mario's "large but sort of withered-looking head" 154; "Hal's head, closely monitored by deLint and Staff, is judged still level and focused" 155; Himself "transcending that overlarge head" 158; "the sound of your head revving, and head is still just body" 159; "pencil-necked big-headed asthmatic little kid staring up through Coke-bottle lenses" 182; "The engineer [...] has extremely bad skin" 183; "M.I.T.'s near-new Student Union [...] one enormous cerebral cortex" 184; "a living corporeal head" 189; "phrenologically malformed" 190; "Two-Baggers" 190; "the utterly noseless" 191; "Kornspan's red face is leaping around on his skull" 199; "mesomorphic head" 200; "99% of the head's thinking activity consists of trying to scare the everliving shit out of itself" 204; Didi N.'s tattoo of "tattered screaming skull" 208; "synthetic-narc-addicted kid" named Skull, 208; "her brain heving around in its skull" 226; "brain heaving in its bone-box" 231; "lifted her veil back to cover her skull like a bride" 235; "[Schacht's] own big sick head" 262; Mario's "poor big head" 267; "They identify their whole selves with their head, and the Disease makes its command headquarters in the head" 272; "head-gaming" 273; Treat's "ruined face" 274; "Disease chewing away inside his head" 274; "garbage-head all-Substance-type kid [...] face very slightly smunched in on one side" 276; "bird-like head movements" 276; "look of a mean clown" 277; Gately's "massive square head" 277;
Heath, Pam
fn.24/987; played dentist's wife in Himself's Fun with Teeth; played wife in Himself'sVarious Small Flames, fn.24/988; plays "Death as a lethally beautiful woman" in Himself's Möbius Strips, fn.24/990;
Heaven, Paul Anthony
910; thumbless; played dull Academic in Good-Looking Men ...; "data entry drone for Ocean Spray"; narrated "There Are No Losers Here" fn.24/986; played a son in Himself's Low-Temperature Physics, fn.24/991;
Heidegger , Martin
233; Ger. philosopher
Henderson, Clenette
37; half-sister of Wardine; at Ennet House, 180; 363; janitor at ETA, 527; the maid in C.T.'s office when Hal & Pemulis got spot urinalysis by O.N.A.N.T.A. urologist, 633; brought "shitload of cartridges" from ETA dumpster to Ennet House, 825;
Herman The Ceiling That Breathed
447; in "decayed beach-cottage" in Salem MA where Gately lived as a child; 923;
189; Headmaster's House at ETA, where Avril I. and Chuck Tavis live
Ho, Don
583; Hawaiian pop singer; "My Lovely Launa-Una Luau Lady" 586; "voice has the quality of a type of: ointment" 587;
Hobbes , Thomas
12; English philosopher; "Hobbesian sewers" 44
Hoffman-Jeep, Pamela
465; Gately's "totally alcoholic past girlfriend"; about the relationship, 924;
Holt, Gretchen
755; younger ETA student
Home Group
209; "Ewell's chosen"
Hooley, Maureen
876; Vice-President for Children's Entertainment, Interlace Telentertainment, Inc.;
Hope, Bob
51; code for marijuana; fn.27/994 (Bob Hope, American comedian)
82; tennis teacher (? listed with Nick Bolliteri, famous Floridian nurturer of tennis youth.)
551; Stice family dog back in Kansas, and Stice's name for his anger
Howell, Mr.
169; Pemulis' ~ hat, presumably after character Mr. Howell, played by Jim Backus in American TV sitcom "Gilligan's Island."
906; Allen Ginsberg's famous poem about his lost generation
Hoyne, Henri F.
507; head of Data Analysis at B.S.S., victim of "the Entertainment"; 647;
Hoyne, Miriam
508; wife of Henri
Huizenga, Wayne
415; owner of Blockbuster Entertainment (and at least one professional sports franchise.)
Hundt Act
184; regarding FM bandwidth (1966)
Hung Toys
131; front for Wo's dope business
231; Chaplin-archivist at Notkin's party
I.B.E.W. Local 517
813; Ewell's father's union ("International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers")
Incandenza, Mrs. Avril M. (Mondragon) T. ("The Moms")
10; native of Canada; Hal's mother; "assignations with a certain unnamed bisexual bassoonist in the Albertan Secret Guard's tactical-bands unit" (per Himself), 30; affair with medical attaché, 30, 91, 1049; slipping "certain organic testosterone-regeneration compound distilled by the Jivaro shamen of the South-Central L.A. basin" into Hal's cereal (according to Himself), 30; "agoraphobic workaholic and obsessive-compulsive" 42; working hard not to show her "maternal dread" 50; "black phobic dread of hiding or secrecy," "rarely travels above ground" 51; marriage to Himself, 64; "taught out at Brandeis where [DuPlessis had] done his residency" 91; teaches triad of required Grammars at ETA, 154; 187; "had this effect on older men" 286; "E.T.A. Dean of Academic Affairs and of Females" 288; smokes Benson & Hedges, 391; "The Black Hole of Human Attention" (Family Trivia) 521; "at 50+, is still endocrinologically compelling to males" fn.210/1035; Politeness Routine, 523; w/J. Wayne, 552; father was a potato farmer in Québec, fn.234/1041; style of "abuse" 1050; reaction to S. Johnson's demise, 1051; "views the recipients of [her] charity not as persons so much as pieces of exercise equipment on which [she] can develop and demonstrate [her] own virtue" fn.269/1052; AFR spy ?, 726; "the family's light and pulse and the center that held tight" 737; everyone at the table inclines toward Avril "like heliotropes" 745; chattin with Mario in her office, 762; grandfather's unlucky gamble on Delaware Punch, 765; drunk father, 766; "Death incarnate, 790; "engaging in sexual enmeshments with just about everything with a Y-chromosome" 791; "mother had been ethnic Québecois, her father Anglo-Canadian" 897-98; father was a binge-drinker, 898; "The Moms full name is Avril Mondragon Tavis Incandenza, Ed.D., Ph.D. She is 197 cm (6' 5 1/2") tall in flats" 898; "had Himself interred in her family's traditional plot in L'Islet Province" 907; "birth-mother had died in Québec of an infarction when [the Moms] was eight, her father during her sophomore year at McGill under circumstances none of us knew" 953; affairs with "Bain, graduate students, grammatical colleagues, Japanese fight-choreographers, the hairy-shouldered Ken N. Johnson, the Islamic M.D." 957; "has O.C.D. Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder" fn.234/1039;
Incandenza, Harold ("Hal") James
3; in Univ. of AZ Administration office in 11/Y.G.; "verbal scores that are just quite a bit closer to zero than we're comfortable with" 6; essays parroting his parents' interests, 7; "familiar panic of feeling misperceived" 8; "Call it something I ate" 10; mold-eating incident, 10, fn.234/1041; in an emergency room "almost exactly one year back" (from 11/Y.G.), 16; digging up his father's head, 17; "Is Himself still having this hallucination I never speak?" (Hal is 12), 29; interest in Byzantine pornography, 29, 950; "obsession with having nobody [...] know he's high" 54; drugs and, 67; "atavistically dark-complected" 99; pedigree, 100; ankle, 104; gets high daily, 114; "Blott and Arslanian are looking at him. 'Are you OK?'" 114; "a twinge in a tooth on his mouth's left side" 121; "60% of what he told Orin on the phone since Orin had abruptly started calling again this spring was a lie" 136; paper on modern v. post-modern hero, 140-42; "the catatonic hero, the one beyond calm, divorced from all stimulus, carried here and there across sets by burly extras" 142; bunks in subdorm A on 3rd floor of Comm.-Ad.; date of birth: 10/91, 155; about, 155; training, 172; "the window of opportunity [to take DMZ] looks to be 11/20-21" 217; discovered J.I. in microwave, 248; and the grief-therapist, 252; his tennis game, 260; "asymetrically hobbled on the care-too-much side" of tennis proficiency, 269; "the substance-compulsion's strange apparent contribution to Hal's erumpent explosion up the rankings has got to be a temporary thing, that there's like a psychic credit-card bill for Hal in the mail" 270; "feels at his own face to see whether he is wincing" 342; craves dope, tobacco & sugar, 395; "an almost obsessive dislike for deLint" 460; taking care of the blind kid from Philo IL who had "cranium-issues" 518; "at complete ease with" Stice, 521; lying on his back "photosynthesizing" 560; relationship to the Moms, fn.234/1040; near-loss to Stice, 627; "lifetime virginity is a conscious goal" 634; "a whole new and chemical-free Hal" 635; "Hal's in essence a torturer" as a player, 659; Pump Room hideaway sniffed out by kids, 668; his tennis game, 680, 682; chewing Kodiak, 686; "the sleek little show-offy kid" 745; ONANTA guy holding him and Pemulis by the ear, 759; dream of losing teeth, 770; "O.N.A.N.T.A. guy didn't really extract urine samples from us" 772; how people lie, 773; Mario tells him he, Hal, is sad, 782; shows up at Ennet House, 786; driving to NA group (he thinks), 796; "had become a steadily more and more hidden boy, toward the wraith's life's end" 838; wraith's "youngest and most promising son was disappearing" 838; first-person, 851; zoo dream, 851; inadvertently showing hilarity (cachinated), 875; "My full name is Harold James Incandenza, and I am 183.6 cm. (6' 1/4") tall in stocking feet" 898; reciting random facts, 898; "Himself, for two years before his death, had had this delusion of silence when I spoke: I believed I was speaking and he believed I was not speaking" 899; "I was the meat in the room's sandwich" 902; w/Pemulis, 907; thinks Pemulis is trying to get him to agree to take DMZ, 908; making cage of his hands, 909; "trying to align myself along some sort of grain in the world I could barely feel" 950; 3rd person narration, 964; at ETA Gala, Hal's face "assumed various expressions ranging from distended hilarity to scrunched grimace, expressions that seemed unconnected to anything that was going on" 966; DMZ-dream that he's the soldier and is "screaming for help and everybody's acting as if [he's] singing Ethel Merman covers [...] a quality of loneliness " fn.321/1063;
Incandenza, James Orin, Sr.
50; "former top U.S. jr. tennis player and the promising young pre-Method actor" 63; "A.E.C.-optics man" 82; Hal's paternal grandfather; wife ("a shover and a thruster"), 157; 1956 Mercury Montclair" 159; father ("A golf man") and mother, 163; aka "Himself", 165; "the Man From Glad" 313; w/wife & squeaky bed, 491; Man from Glad, 492, 494; father was "the blank wooden man who [...] had 'driven' [JOI, Sr.] to 'the bottle' and unrealized potential and an early cerebral hemorrhage" 838;
Incandenza, Dr. James Orin ("Himself") (b. ca.1950; d. Y.T.-S. D. B., aka 2004)
16; father of Hal; committed suicide at 54; about, 63-65; buried in Québec's L'Islet County, 65; awareness of the Moms' affairs, 29-30; "gyroscopic balance sensor and mise-en-scène appropriation card and priapistic-entertainment cartridge implanted in [Himself's] anaplastic cerebrum" 31; fear of black widows, 45; Geometrical Optics Scholarship, 154; in 1960, 157; his films, 174; "reviews of his multiple-exposure melodramas" 175; 187; "his neonatal lens to blur things in imitation of a neonatal retina" 222; "Infinite Jim" 225; the completed assembly of what she'd appeared in [...] and doubts that any sum of scenes as pathologic as he'd stuck that long quartzy auto-wobbling lens on the camera and filmed her for could have been as entertaining as he'd said the thing he'd always wanted to make had broken his heart by ending up" 228; 229; "aka The Mad Stork, The Sad Stork, 238; working obsessively on the Entertainment, 249; suicide, 249-58; "half-full bottle of Wild Turkey found on the counter not far away, with a large red decorative gifwrappish bow on the neck" 250; "Himself's head had popped like an uncut spud" 257; Homo Duplex (movie on "John Waynes"), 260 (fn.24/988); films, 297; his father's father Mario, 313; The Man Who Began to Suspect He Was Made of Glass , 375; Found Drama, 376, (fn.145); The ONANtiad , 380; The Medusa v. The Odalisque, 396, fn.223/1036; The Joke , 397; and InterLace, fn.167/1031; Annulateur , 490; and squeaky bed, 491; Death in Scarsdale , fn.234/1039; "the victim of the most monstrous practical joke ever played" (sez Orin), fn.234/1041; "helped design these special holographic conversions so that the team that worked on annulation could study the behavior of subatomics in highly poisonous environments" 572; Dial C for Concupiscence , 590; scopophile, never missed Boston's pond-draining, 622; Wave Bye-Bye to the Bureaucrat, 687-89; Blood Sister: One Tough Nun, 689, ("one of Himself's few commercial successes") 703-06, 710-14, fn.289/1053; The American Century as Seen Through a Brick, 695; The Night Wears a Sombrero, 704; Low Temperature Civics, 706; post-carrot anhedonic, 706; Le Masque (as he was called by Avril I), 737; Pre-Nuptial Agreement of Heaven and Hell, 740, 742; unable to speak to Hal or Orin "without their mother's presence and mediation" 743; top collegiate tennis player, 743; referred to his films ironically as "entertainments" 743; funeral took place in "L'Islet Province of Nouveau Québec [...] featuring an interment, not a cremation" 790; "remained alcohol-free for the whole next three-and-a-half months [until] the date of his suicide" 790; The Unfortunate Case of Me, 792; as wraith in Gately's hospital room, 829-40; replicating "life's real egalitarian babble of figurantless crowds" 835; "spent the whole sober last ninety days of his animate life working tirelessly to contrive a medium via which he and the muted son could simply converse [...] something so compelling it would reverse thrust on a young self's fall into the womb of solipsism, anhedonia, death in life" 838; "his most serious wish was: to entertain" 839; "used to see his father's ghost on stairways sometimes [...] black-widow spiders in his hair, too" 870; Zero-Gravity Tea Ceremony, 874; Good-Looking Men in Small Clever Rooms ..., 900; "joked about making something quote too perfect" 940; Accomplice!, 941; "had no interest in suckering the audience with illusory realism" 944; didn't use real actors, 944; Dancing Gland, 944; "remained obsessed with something until he became successful at it, then transferred his obsession to something else" 949; "hetero-hardcore Möbius Strips and the sado-periodontal Fun with Teeth " 954; afraid porno would give Orin "an impoverished, lonely idea of sexuality" 956; "made so many films titled Cage " 957; "God and the Devil playing poker with Tarot cards for the soul of Cosgrove Watt" 971; "cartridge with the held-open eyes and dropper had been the one about ultra-violence and sadism" 981; "in the days prior to [Himself's suicide], a so-called 'word' appeared on a 'fogged' 'window' of Mrs. Inc's pale yellow Volvo" fn.269/1048; "loved [The Cage] and stuck little snippets of it [...] anywhere he could" fn.366/1077;
Incandenza, Mario
32; brother of Hal (1 year older); "Eighteen in May [...] designated function around [ETA] is filmic" 54; leptosomatic (frail), 79; "a born listener [...] Brady-kinetic" 80; "one of the short strange Himself-influenced conceptual cartridges" he makes, 153; Mario's "conceptual film-type project based on part of [the Riverside Hamlet]" 171; Tennis and the Feral Prodigy, written by Mario, 173; "fanatical listener/observer" 189; "his short and upbeat annual documentary" 265; birth & description, 312-17; J.O. Incandenza's "honorary assistant production-assistant" 314; his "kid's adaption" of The ONANtiad , 380; with Clipperton, 410; birthday: 11/25, 589; Familial Dysautonomia ("can't feel physical pain very well"), 589; 625; dislike of flourescent lighting, fn.244/1044; "cross between a puppet and one of the big-headed carnivores from Spielberg's old special-effects orgies about reptiles" 746; shooting his documentary w/Bolex H64, 755;
Incandenza, Orin
9; Hal's oldest brother (by 9 years); punter for AZ Cardinals, 42; fear of roaches, 44; roaches under inverted tumblers, 45; flying with the Cardinals, 65; morbid fear of heights, 65; "dodger of flung acid extraordinaire" 223; being followed, 244; Eschaton game-master, 284; punter for B.U., 293; "interview" w/Moment fragment, fn.145/1038; 565; Swiss Subject, 566; "Excitement-Hope-Acquisition-Contempt" cycle, 574; Swiss Subject is left-handed, 598; 11/11/YDAU, "once again embracing a certain 'Swiss' hand-model" 655; "a one-trick pony as a player" 661; "has come to regard the truth as constructed rather than reported " fn.269/1048; impression of Avril, 1051; A.F.R. believes most likely to have a duplicate master of the Entertainment, 723; pathological liar, 771; possible affair, as a child, with the Moms, 791; Gately watching him play w/Boston U. on TV, 916; imitation of Himself's mother in wheelchair, 953; in inverted tumbler (glass cage) being interrogated about the Master by Swiss hand-model (Mlle. Luria P.) (see also p.45), 971-72;
Incision, The
233; film
Infant, The
feral, 211; in the Concavity; worshipped by Rastafarians, 559, 562; "propitiate the outsized feral infant" in Himself's Stand Behind the Men Behind the Wire, fn.24/991; "oversized feral infant" fn.24/991; Propitiating the Infant, 562; fn.304/1055;
Infernatron viewer
229; 877; Sorkin's, 930;
Infinite Jest
36 (not yet named - 4/1/YDAU); aka "the Entertainment" (discussed by Steeply & Marathe), 90; "'anti'-Entertainment" 126; 2-D man in a wheelchair anti-ad, 224, 721; "a final opus so magnum he'd claimed to have had it locked away" 228; "Was the allegedly fatally entertaining and scopophiliac thing Jim alleges he made out of her unveiled face here at the start of Y.T.S.D.B. a cage or really a door?" 230; "the mother-death-cosmology and apologies she'd repeated over and over, inclined over that auto-wobble lens" 230; "cartridge-as-ecstatic-death rumor" 233; "The Face of the Deep" 238; "so bad he didn't want it released" 253; 318; 430; Bertraund Antitoi stole cartridges from wheelchair anti-ad, 483; A.F.R. and, 489; holography, 490; curious victims, 507; eyes "empty of intent" 508; spreading (early November YDAU), 548; opening sequence, 549; describing what happens to the viewer, 647-48; "It was unlikely that any one game figured much in the Entertainment" 658; DuPlessis copy "secured and verified" 724; "anti-samazdat cartridge of F.L.Q.'s allegation" 752; Notkin's detailed description, 788; meeting re ads warning against viewing, 876; Joelle describing, 938-41; Master is buried with Himself, 940-41; Infinite Jest (I) "first attempt at commercial entertainment" fn.24/986; I.J. (V) "its Master cartridge either destroyed or vaulted sui testator, fn.24/993;
Iimura, Taka
fn.24/986; Himself dedicated Dark Logics to him
Ingersoll, Evan
97; 11-year-old student at ETA, "eyebrowless" from Binghamton NNY; engenders dislike, 99; parents founded Rhode Island version of shopping by TP, 112; description, 114; roommate w/J.J. Penn, 335;
Interdependence Day, Continental
31; held on November 8; 52; 221
InterLace TelEntertainment
"two hubs of manufacture and dissemination in Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A. and Boston" 33; conceived of by Lace-Forché, 415; "4.8-mb PC-diskettes InterLace was marketing as 'cartridges'" 416; 648; Dissemination Grid, fn.18/985; "copyable Master cartridges require special OS-codes and special hardware to run [...] which keeps most consumers out of the bootleg-cartridge business" fn.301/1054-55;
InterLace Subscription Pulse-Matrix
35; broadcasts "spontaneous dissiminations"
Introduction to Montague Semantics
760; Dowty, Wall and Peters's seminal work, on the Moms' desk;
Irish Luggage
541; slang for Hefty bags
608; slang for handgun
Ives, Burl
86; rotund, bearded American folksinger & actor, "Ewell's radically downscaled" version of
221; dumpsters (International? Waste Disposal)
J., Jack
844; Ennet House resident who visits Gately in hospital
James, William
fn.224/1037; The Principles of Psychology with The Gifford Lectures on Natural Religion ; where Lenz keeps his stash, 543; Catharsis , 544; 718;
806; at Inner Infant group Hal stumbles upon
384; Presidente of Mexico & co-Vice Chair of O.N.A.N.
Jivaro shaman
30; of the South-Central L.A. basin
Johnson, Amy
475; new girl at Ennet House; 539; 595;
Johnson, Ken N.
957; had affair w/Avril I.; played Amway representative in Himself's Various Small Flames; played son in Himself's Low-Temperature Physics, fn.24/991;
Johnson, S.
1049; Incandenzas' dog that Orin pulverizes; "spotless doggie-dish under the table" 744; being discussed by Hal and Mario, 771; 950;
725; A.F.R. member ("the red-bearded workhorse") who views the Entertainment
K., Glenn
352; White Flagger whose "chosen Higher Power" is Satan ; 367; "Evening, Ladies" joke, 445;
Kahn, Petropolis
17; ETA student; aka "W.M." ("Woolly Mammoth"); "thick and solid" 457;
Kastenbaum and Kastenbaum
Keck, Rutherford
229; "academic" at Notkin's party; 232
Kemp, Jack
177; actually a U.S. Senator from NJ; in IJ, he's a former President of the U.S.; "his exploding home" 422;
Ken-L-Ration-Magnavox-Kemper-Insurance Forsythia Bowl
Kent, U.S.S. Millicent
121; student at ETA; of Montclaire, NJ; came upon Husky VI-brand tripod, 122, 126; transvestite father, 123;
32; janitor at ETA; dreadlocked black guy, 873; "received his doctorate in low-temperature physics from U.Mass at twenty-one and taken a prestigious sinecure at the U.S. Office of Naval Research" 873; appeared in Zero-Gravity Tea Ceremony, 874;
118; 251; 512; 527; 569; 575; 630; 784; 869; fn.324/1069; fn.324/1070;
Kierkegaard , Soren Aaby
12; Danish religious philosopher, parodied in Himself's Safe Boating is No Accident ; "and Regina" 105;
Kimberly-Clark Corp.'s Depend Asorbent Products Division
260; maker of the Depend Adult Undergarment
234; as Paganini
Kite, Trent ("QuoVadis")
55 & 56 (unnamed accomplice of Gately's); 614; "[A.F.R.'s] fatal technical interview of the young burglar" 721; "Dilaudid. Blues. [...] Kite's steep-angled decline" 886; "dyed-in-wool laptop-carrying wienie, chinless and with a nose like a tapir, and pretty much the last fanatical Grateful Dead fan under age forty" 904; "QuoVadis" (Quaalude-isotopes), 904; "got the administrative Shoe from Salem State" 915; "32 Uses for Sterno Me Lad" 980; "once the A.F.R. got through with him" fn.363/1077;
Kittenplan, Ann
330; "butch and suspiciously muscular" 12.5-year-old steroid-addled ETA student; 511;
Klamkin, Maury
9; Coach White's predecessor at Univ. of AZ
Knievel, Evel
859; motorcycle daredevil of the 1970s who became famous jumping his cycle over ever-increasing number of parked cars.
114: Hal's brand of chew
Kondo, Ms. Tawni
35; InterLace aerobics-guru; poster of, 62; 620;
Kornspan, Eliot
198; "steroidic" 15-year-old ETA student; fn.324/1070;
Kosinski, J.
fn.24/987; novelist parodied by Himself in Fun with Teeth
Krause, Poor Tony
128; gay junkie in Boston who hangs with C. And "yrstruly"; and "red leather fags" 129; purse-snatching debacle involving lady with heart in purse, 143; stroke, 299; withdrawal, 300; late obstetrician father, 301, 721; 11/11/YDAU, in the stall, 655; 683; former crewmate of Matty Pemulis, 691; running from Ruth van Cleve, 719, 728; "with a supine person Krause vaulted lifting a decayed head from the alley floor to counter with: Go" 721; "newly acquired test-subject" for viewing the Entertainment, 845; probably one of the red-leather-coat girls w/Bobby C. during Fackelmann's demise, 976;
Krone, David
754; crab-like resident at Ennet House; 786; 824;
Kubitz, Glenny
885; relates Ennet House debacle to Ferocious Francis
Kübler-Ross , Elizabeth
253; author of "On Death & Dying"
Kurosawa , Akira
232; Japanese filmmaker.
Lac de Deux Montaignes region
732; region of Québec where Maranthe lived as a child
Lace-Forché, Noreen
415; "USC-educated video-rental mogulette"; 620; fn.301/1054
Latrodectus Mactans
159; aka Black Widow; fn.24/987; phylum and species of the black widow spider (ChrisO:
Lamb, Mrs.
575; at Parents' Day at Bishop Anthony McDiardama Elementary School w/Mrs. Lenz
Lang, Fritz
48; German filmmaker; Metropolis, 193; "chilling framed print of Lang directing Metropolis " 951; parody/homage to his Rancho Notorious, in Himself's The Night Wears a Sombrero
Leary, Dr. Tim(othy)
170; famous acid-head and comedian
234; as Doinel
717; clothing store in Cambridgeside that Lenz rips off
Legal Seafood
743; where Orin took Joelle to meet Himself, in Brookline MA
Le Groupe Vidéotron
412; owner of "five big Canadian Shop-at-Home networks"
Leisure Time Ice
39; where B. Green worked; 577
Leith, Disney R.
51; History of Entertainment and Optics teacher at ETA; 96; 298; Quadrivial colloquium "Reflections on Refraction" 511; fn.145/1027;
Lemon Pledge
99; Furniture polish
Lendl , Ivan
259; "Czech Kid" actual tennis champion who did retire but who has not, as far as can be determined, "suicided" himself.
Lenz, Mrs.
575; mother of Randy; "a thrice-divorcée and Data Processor [...] unspeakably obese";
Lenz, Randy
207; Ennet House resident; 270; described, 276; "small-time organic-coke dealer" 276; 363; 533; walks home from meetings, 539; room w/Glynn & Day, 539; demapping rats, 540; progression of appetite, 541; 553; mother & stepfather, 557, 561; harassing Yolanda, 565; from Fall River MA, 575; Polish Curse, 692; discharged from Ennet House, 692; post-discharge, stalking two Chinese ladies, 716; escaping Chinese ladies, 728; A.F.R.'s "newly acquired test-subject" for viewing the Entertainment, 845;
Leroux, Mrs.
575; at Parents' Day at Bishop Anthony McDiardama Elementary School w/Mrs. Lenz
1014; small African country contained, Vatican-like, within the borders of the Republic of South Africa.;
Limbaugh, Rush
177; radio personality and mouthpiece for the Republican political party; in IJ, a former US President; 382; Limbaugh Era, 411, 562; poster of on Sorkin's office door, 929;
Lindisfarne Gospels
(And this is how today (7/27/22) became the day I learned that, as indecipherable as I'd once considered the edition info as it appears on the copyright page, it turns out to be even more so, because I have (perusing a clearly newer edition in a bookstore—cover: paper, title in large slanted yellow letters, DFW's name in smaller yellow letters—I see that newer copyright pages have made a liar out of me: this one simply says "Printing 33, 2001." Wish twas ever thus!
Linville, Maury
LipoVac Unltd.
Liquor World
Little Lisbon
Loach, Barry
Loach, Therese
Lobokulas, Stavros
L'Odalisque de Ste. Thérèse
Longley, Bernadette
Lopate, Mrs.
Lord, Otis P.
Loring A.F.B.
Lung, The
Lynch, David
Madame, The
Made Guys from the North End
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
Mainwaring, Reeves
Makulic, Bernard
Man o' War Grille
Marathe, Gertraud
Marathe, Rémy
Martin, Dean
Martinez, Eugenio
Marxist Film-Cartridge Theory
Massachussetts Department of Public Health
Mathis, Johnny
McCartney, Linda
McCartney, Paul
McKenna, Kieran
McLachlin, Kyle
McLean Hospital
McNair, Stokely ("Dark Star")
Meech Lake Accord
Mercier Dam
Merman, Ethel
methedrine addict from New Bedford
Metheun-Andover border
Militant Grammarians of Massachussetts (MGM)
Millennial Fizzy
Miller, W.
Minimal Mambo
mint green Ford sedan
Minty, Emil
Miss Diagnosis
Mitchell, Joni
M.I.T. Student Union
M & M's
Moment magazine
Monroe, Dr. Robert ("Sixties Bob")
Montesian, Ms. Patricia, M.A., C.S.A.C.
Moore, Lateral Alice
More Will Be Revealed
Morris [sic] Code
Mulroney , (Martin) Brian
Munch, Edvard
N., Didi
N., Maureen
N., Tamara
Naked I Club
National Clays
National Cranio-Facial Pain Foundation
Near Eastern Medical Attaché
Neaves, Didi
Neeld, Harper
neo-Thomist Realism
New Choice
Nickerson Farms Meat Facsmile [sic]
Nightmare on Elm Street XXII: The Senescence
Nixon, Richard
NoCoat Lingua Scrapers
North American Junior Tennis
Notkin, Molly Cantrell("near-Professor")
Notre Rai Pays
N. Paducah Technical H.S. Rivermen
Nucci, Vinnie ("Nooch")
Nwangi, Tony
Ogilvie, Mr. Urquhart, Jr.
Old Nurse who Asks For Help
Oo Is 'E When 'E's at 'Ome
Oxbridge Quadrivium-Trivium curricular model
Oriental women w/shopping bags (11/7)
Orwell, George. (Pen name of Eric Arthur Blair)
O'Shay, Gwendine
Ossowiecke, R.
Parias-Carbo, Alphonso
Parrot, Annie
Patch the Pony Who Says Nay to Strangers
Patty citizen type
Pearson, Heath
Pei, I.M. (Ieoh Ming)
Peckinpah, Sam
Pemberton, Hugh
Pemulis, "Da"
Pemulis, Matty (aka "Mad Matty")
Pemulis, Michael Mathew
Penn, Jeffrey Joseph ("J. J.")
Penn, Michael H.
Penn, Miles
Penn, W. (William)
perdre son coeur
Perec, Mlle. Luria
Perot, Ross
personal-injury attorney
Personnes Qui On Doit
Peterson, Sidney
Peterson, "Sleepy T.P."
Phelps and Phelps
Phiely, R. Bill ("Touchy")
Philips Andover Academy
Phoenix House
Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973)
Pine Street Inn
Pinker, Steven
Plate, Sylvia
Poor Tony
Port Washington Tennis Academy
Possalthwaite, Todd ("Postal-Weight")
Post-Coital Vestibulitis
Poutrincourt, Mlle. Thierry T.
Powell's Peeping Tom
Presque Isle Maine
Pressburger or Prissburger, Dr.
Pricket[t], Mrs. Miriam
Prince Q -------
Prins, Diane
Provident Nursing Home
Psychosis, Madame
Public Garden
Puente, Tito
Purity Supreme Market
pursuiva le bonheur
Qal'at Si'man
Québecois-Sepératiste Left
Rader, Graham ("Yard-guard," after Raid's insecticide. Raid --> Rader. You got this.)
Ram Das
Rancho Vista Golf and Tennis Academy
Randolph Tennis Center
Reality Is For People That Can't Handle Drugs Group
Reat, Ross
Redondo, Guglielmo
Reehegan, Mr.
Reese, Equus ("I'll Stick Anything in Any Part of My Body")
Reilly, C. N.
Ren and Stimpy
Reynes, Esteban
Richardson-Levy-O'Byrne-Chawaf, Ms. Soma
Rickey, A.Y. ("Vector-Field")
Riley's Roast Beef
Riney, Uncle Lum
Robert's Rules
Rockwell, Norman
Romero, Caesar
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Royal Victoria
Roy Tony
Rub'al Khali
Rusk, Dr. Dolores
Ryle's Jazz Club (aka Ryle's Tavern)
Sagan, Carl
St. Columbkill Sunday Night Group
St. Elizabeth's Hospital
St. Mel's Hospital
St.-Simone, Kimberly
Sandoz Pharmaceuticals
San Simeon
Saturday Night Lively
Saudi Minister of Home Entertainment
Sawyer, Dean
Schacht, Ted
Schtitt, Gerhardt
Scorsese, Martin
Seinfeld, Jerry
senza errori
Sergeant at Arms
Sharing and Caring
Shattuck Shelter for Homeless Males
Shaw, Colonel
Shaw, Tall Paul
Shed, The
Sherman statutes
Sherman, W.T. (William Tecumseh)
Shiny Prize Biting Shoats
Show, the
Shuco-Mist Medical Pressure Systems
Sidney or Stanley
Sierpinski gasket
Sir Osis of Thuliver
Siress, Erica
Sixties Bob
Smith, Burt F.
Smith, Stan
Smothergill, Phillip T.
Sol Hoopi Players
Sorkin, Whity
Sorrow and the Pity, The
special attaché to the Saudi Minister
Spider, The
Spodek, Carol
sporting lint
Spur, The
Statue of Liberty
Steenbok, Danielle
Steeply, M. Hugh (aka Helen)
Steve's donuts
Stewart, Rod
Stice, Ortho ("the Darkness")
Stokely-van Camp Corp.
Store 24
Stott, Donnie
Stove, Betty
Struck, James Albrecht Lockley, Jr.
student engineer at WYYY
Subject, The
Subsidized Era
Sudbury Half-Measures Avail Us Nothing Group
Sunstrand Power & Light
Sutherland, Joan
Svelte Nail Co.
Sweeny, Chip
Swinburne, Algernon Charles. (1837-1909)
Syrian Satellite Pro
Tap & Whack
Tarantino, Quentin
Tarkovsky , Andrey
TaTung Corp.
Tavis, Charles ("C.T."), Ed.D.
Tavis, Elizabeth
tecato gusano
Tech Talk Daily
Tenderhole, Bridget
Thode, Mary Esther
Thorp, Corbett
Thrale, Hester
Thrust, Calvin
Tilden on Spin
Tilden, Bill
Tine, Rodney, Sr.
Tine, Rodney, Jr.
Tingly (Tingley)
Tode, Mary Esther
Tolan, Billy
Tolstoy , Count Leo, (Lev Nikolayevich)
Tommy S. or F.
Totalitarian's Guide to Iron-Fisted Spin
Toucan Sam
Tough Shit But You Still Can't Drink
Trappist monks
Traub, Philip
Treat, Charlotte
Tree, Sir Herbert
Tree Lady
Treffert, Gilbert
Triple Bind
Troeltsch, Jim
Trudeau, Pierre
Turner, Ted
Turner Diaries, The
Uncle T.S.
Under the Volcano
Unexamined Life, The ("T.U.L.")
Union of the Hideously and Improbably Deformed (U.H.I.D.)
Universal Bleacher
Unspecified Services, Office of
Unwin, Frannie
Updike, John
Valayat, Pir
van Cleve, Ruth
van der Meer, Dennis
van der Rohe
van Dyne, Joelle
van Slack, Duncan
van Vleck, Brian
Vaught Caryn
Vaught, Sharyn
Veals, P. Tom
Velvety Vocalists Guild
Vienna, Virginia Szechuan steakhouse
Viney and Veals Advertising
Vinoy, Kely
Wagenknecht, Stephen
Waite, Mrs.
Wall, The
Ward and June
Watson, Tex
Watt, Cosgrove
Watts, Dr. Allan
Wayne something
Wayne, John ("No Relation" [to Bernard?])
Wayne, Bernard
Weaver stance
Welch, Raquel
Wellesley Hills Skating Club
wet work
Whale, Carl ("Mobes")
WhataBurger Southwest Junior Invitational
Whatever's Beyond Eidetic
Wheelchair Assassins of Southern Québec
White, Coach Kirk
White Flag
Wichardson, Wonnie
Wilander, Mats
Williams, Venus
Willis, Dick
Willis, Yolanda
Wingo, Amy
Winkler, Henry
Winter Hill Special School
Wo, Dr.
Woman with Big Breast
Words to Live By
Wounded, Hurting, Inadequately Nurtured but Ever-Recovering Survivors
Yee, Carl E. ("Buster")
Yevtuschenko , Yevgeny
Zone, The
Zweig, Felicity
Clinkers - coal reduced to residue - 525
curtain of charity 323-1
aphasia - loss of power to use words
dopplering - 526
odalisque: female slave or concubine in a harem
Q.v.: quod vide "which see"
viz. = videlicet = that is to say; namely
n.b. = nota bene = note well
hoovered 557
the run of common men, as in "I'm not like ..." (557)
confabulate: confer, tell stories 557
dead gull necklace 558
The Infant: 559
"infants the size of prehistoric beasts roaming the overfertilized east Concavity quadrants" 562
yrstruly 562
propitiate: appeals, conciliate
"a corner of the universe suddenly peeled back to reveal what seethed out there just beyond tidiness" 1043;
insurmagulate - 569
micturate ('mik-cher-ate): urinate - 569
Men's Sanity in Corporate Sterno - 572
suet - hard fat about the kidneys and loins of beef that yields tallow - 579
cursive -having a flowing, easy, impromptu character -
neurasthenic - 579
fantods: "fear, confusion, standing hair" - 420
coruscant: 626
Syrian Satelliter - 627, fn.24/1069
tektitic (632):
virginity status of ETAs: 634
jejune (635):
wheel inside a wheel: 635
Sapphic-tending (636):
"a butt like two bulldogs in a bag" 636
lefthanded - fn 268
Mary had a little lamb - 669
list of tennis pros: 675
cognomens for genitals, 692
Caius Is Mortal 693
"it's more invigorating to want than to have" 694;
DFW as generational spokesperson: 54, 694
emetics 702
descants 702
crank cocaine: 705
catexic: 707, 708
Holmses: 708
prolix 712
all the cases are clearly labeled 714
amonymous 717
guy w/toy bows & arrows 718
artful veronica 719
cranial-facial-pain-specialist - interview w/young burglar 721
coffre d'amas 722
ETA employee a spy 726
devroid 729
cult's Divinely Chosen Leader (Ennet House discussion) 730;
demi maison: duplex 730
eye w/exploded vein: 733
mother love: 737-
"Never trust a man on the subject of his parents." 738
Panglossian constitution: 772
billowing black sailing wing: 777
ola podrida: 791;
tallly: 828
Brullime: 845
my our: 854
Cranial place: 868
"death was just everything outside you getting slow" 883;
Liebestod: 884
Pakistani MD: 885, 887, 912 (Gately's mom's);
"Modern German is better equipped for combining gerundives and prepositions than is its mongrel cousin" 900
"The original sense of addiction involved being bound over, dedicated, either legally or spiritually. To devote one's life, plunge in." 900
tu-savez-quoi: 908
betting addiction, 913
Cafergot: 918, 931
"A man in a wheelchair was shown staring stonily at a two-meter drift across the ramp outside the State House" 948
maniera greca porn: 952
moribund: 966
collegeish guy in a Wembley tie 975
librarianish little woman 977
could so some 977
geatalt: 1058
infitesimally 1063
"Caius is mortal" 1071
Exit signs "He Leaves" 8;
infant's random stabs on a keyboard 9
"athletically built if rather stand-offish younger instructor: 9
a face webbed with fingers: 13
"KNIFE finger-written on the steamed mirro of a nonpublic bathroom" 16
female dealer for Erdedy: 18 - with handsome black man who was in law school 18 - worked designing sets for a Cambridge theater company that seemed to do only German plays 19 - Wedekind festival - 21
sagging faces: 21
fifth wall: 31
Hal's oral lyrologist: 31
infants, 45 (blinded)
graveyard flood 45
circles: "dessicated" 46; circular routine of drug taking at ETA, 53;
dreams: Orin's spider-and-height 46
heads: Avril's 46
spiders: 52
apocopes 57
rigor mortis??? 59
1st person: 61, 67
"I'm sorry to say" 67
"This shouldn't be rendered in exposition like this ..." 82
"Mario thinks of a steel pole raised to double its designed height" 84
"life's endless war against the self you cannot live without" 84
red welt on Schtitt's jaw 84
screaming meemies 87
French narrator, e.g. "weeds of tumbling" 91
"gray spiderwebs of nerves" 159
in palm fronds in AZ 164
webs, 208
"the old web" 252
apercu: 121
("[Mario] hadn't literally said 'chill dusk'") 122;
"slightly diminishing" 124
1st person: 127
"[Lyle's] like a baby" 128
"moody infant" 157
"slumping oversized obscene bow-tied infant" (JOI) 163
"incontinent toddlers" 258
elemonade: 129
"spilled-fuel shimmer" 136
"fingerling at center of a clear current" 158
"how the drunk and maimed both are dragged forward out of the arena like a boneless Christ, one man under each arm, feet dragging, eyes on the aether" 169
Talent is a dark gift, lived up to or lost 173
nebulizer 185
probability waves for subhadronics 187
Latin phrases: 188
intension training 188
tecato gusano 200
doing things while asleep 201
"early-Experialist fashion of making art out of the accessories of artistic presentation, the framed frames" 229
"tall silent hard-looking old black-haired BLTN-Group veteran" with "PUSSY" tattoo - 209
Joelle's encounter w/"sooty wheelchaired man with a dead white face below a NOTRE RAI PAYS cap [with] puffed red cut across that businesslike palm" 221-22
"What looks like the cage's exit is actually the bars of the cage" 222
"The encaged and suicidal" 224
"dealers, sirens of the other, second cage" 224
"Joelle's been in a cage since Y.T.S.D.B." 227
"set free the encaged rapacious thing inside" 229
"the difference between suicide and homicide consisting [...] in where you think you discern the cage's door" 230
"the blind god of all doorless cages" 231
"[cocaine] had been not just her encaging god, but her lover" 235
Oriental women w/shopping bags (11/7): 224
"A foreign academic with an almost Franciscan bad spot has the swirling limp of someone with a prosthesis" 229
mother-death-cosmology 230
entropy: fans - 233 "everything falls off the wall sooner or later" 235
"putting ? after THE END" 235
"Entertainment is blind" 237
"These are facts. This room in this apartment is the sum of very many specific facts and ideas. There is nothing more to it than that" 239 (Wittgenstein)
"The Prize" 239
iona 273
Morris Code 275
Individual v. Group 82-83
without a thought 27, 44
Smith cart. and Cage, 111
950; "tiny pornographic scenes in the Byzantine weave" (NOTE: in early editions this is typo'd as "Lindistairne" or "Lindistarne" Gospels.)
three four copies of IJ1 On each's copyright page, isolated and title-capped are the words "First Edition." Not sure how this can be true when each has a different set of typos.
254; ETA teacher
643; actual first name is Larry. Actor who played lipless and peevish Major Frank Burns in M*A*S*H, American 1970s TV dramedy.
413; ads done by Viney and Veals
717; area in Cambridge ?
102; ETA Trainer; 316; 525; "resembles a wingless fly--blunt and scuttly" 967; was in a Jesuit seminary but lost his religion
967; Barry's sister, who carries match-number cards at pro fights
434; foot-fetishist who works with Gately at Shattuck Shelter and "owns the company that contracts with the Commonwealth for the Shattuck's maintenance"; 922;
396; "character out of old Québecois mythology who was supposedly so inhumanly gorgeous that anyone who looked at her turned instantly into a human-sized precious gem"; "In most versions an opal" 529;
710; large Boston airport where black addict works; where Québec team is to land, 853;
130; junkie in Boston; 300;
50; ETA student; 282;
753; catatonic at the Shed; "the objay dart from the Shed that they come and install next to the Ennet House viewer some days" 818;
116; ETA student & "thirteen-year-old baseliner and calculus phenom from Wilmington DE, who 'Wears the Beanie' as Eschaton's gamemaster and statistician of record" (322); "stats-wienie and Eschaton game-master," 171; 264; Hitachi monitor still over his head from Eschaton violence, 456; in Tavis' office, 527; in hospital bed next to Gately, 817; Hitachi monitor removed on Thursday, 948;
571; near "what used to be Presque Isle Maine"
150; actually "Luddism;" opposition to technical or technological change
257; Luke Skywalker, character in Star Wars who in the movie's climactic battle sequence does not "remove his targeting helmet" but in fact merely switches off his targeting computer in favor of "The Force" (the movie's quazi-religion.)
51; inflatable covering for ETA tennis courts November-March; 153; inflation day (fourth Monday of November), 268;
103; presumably Martin Luther, German theologian and leader of the Protestant Reformation. Perhaps he wore wooden sandals while dumping too.
114; guru in ETA weight room, who lives off others' perspiration; 127; Deus Providebit ("God Provides"), 198; and Himself, 249; 316; 379; dispensing wisdom for sweat, 387; visited in Ontario by Himself, fn.234 (1041); "appearance outside the weight room, upright and walking across the grounds" 433; hovering cross-legged "just a couple mm. above the top of the towel dispenser" 700; met and bonded w/Himself on Canada's Northwest coast, 706; "'I Don't Know (How to Love Him)' from an old opera Lyle sometimes [...] listened to at night in the weight room" 808; taught ETA kids that "panic sharpens the senses almost past enduring" 896; says that "the most advanced level of Vaipassana or 'Insight' meditation consisted in sitting in fully awakened contemplation of one's own death" 898;
944; American film (Eraserhead, The Elephant Man,Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart, Lost Highway) and TV (Twin Peaks, On The Air ) director; parodied (?) in Himself's Safe Boating is No Accident
M., Gene
See Martinez, Eugenio
fn.209/1035; senior male ETA student
542; hallucinogen Doony Glynn did in 1989
609; presumably "made" members of the mafia. (Becoming a made man is something akin to getting tenure.) (Or so I've read.)
191; "depressing book" read by Madame Psychosis.
238; at Notkin's party
233; possibly Dusan Makavejev, Belgrade-born filmmaker.
634; "little 14-C" at ETA
411; owned TCI cable TV network
fn.24/987; filmmaker parodied in Himself's Death in Scarsdale
682; Portuguese restaurant on Prospect in Cambridge, where Matty Pemulis is;
129; slang term for face; personal map, 196; "personal competitive map" fn.75; "utter demapping" fn.75; "eliminate their own map for keeps" (commit suicide), 220; 231; "keep his map shut when he's got nothing important to say" 276; 280; de-mapping, 300;
89 (unnamed); 126; wife of Rémy; dying of ventricular restenosis, 126; born w/o a skull, 429; 529; 752; "among the first Swiss children of southwestern Switzerland to become born without a skull" 779; her condition, 779; in a comatose state for almost one year, 780;
88; member of "Wheelchair Assassins" and quadruple agent (fn.40/995); "Something bigger than the self [...] You are what you love" 107; wife dying of ventricular restenosis, 126; "eidetic, near-perfect in recall" 127; reports to M. Fortier, 127; 317; wife was born without a skull, 429; father's death, 490; dreams of father, 528; A.F.R. believes him to be a triple agent, 529; at Ennet House, 730; "prepared to die violently at any time" 732; w/paranoid addict who raves about the "metal" people, 735; at Ennet House w/Pat M., 747; aka "Henri" 748; w/Kate Gompert, 774; how he met his wife, 777; "a used Kenbeck pacemaker for Maranthe's father, now deceased" fn.313/1062;
55; where ADA and wife go to "celebrity sailing thing"
386; perpetually wet former ETA student & Orin's doubles partner
863; American actor and singer
177; volunteer alumnus counselor at Ennet House & Gately's counselor when he was a resident; 196; 273; "ex coke and -phone-bunko guy whose left ear had been one of his Losses" and "grizzled Filipino" 466;
227; subject of Notkin's oral critique for Ph.D.
639; 70s TV show with which Steeply's father was obsessed; U.N. Korean Police Action only lasted two years, 644; 834;
"blank facial masking" 72; Lemon Pledge husks "a battery of five-holed masks" 223; Notkin's Karl Marx, 227; guy in wheelchair tailing Orin with "some kind of domino-mask" 245; "Wayne's father is an asbestos miner who [...] wears triple-thick masks" 262; "a disguise that makes [Lenz] look like Cesar Romero after a terrible accident" 276;
138; of which Division of Substance Abuse Services is a part
222; dope
102; American pop crooner (50s-60s); "Chances Are"
978; wife of Paul; CD of just her contributions to Wings tunes
978; former Beatle and leader of Wings
177; resident at Ennet House; tatoos, 206; 363; "a young hard-core flask-alkie from Ashland KY" 469; 533;
fn.304/1055; "-like chaos" unknown reference
880; "the freaking crime dog;" Smokey The Bear-ish mascot for law enforcement.
462; where Gately did some time (Mass. Correctional Institution, in Billerica.)
341; ETA student
944; Kyle MacLachlan, American actor who worked with director David Lynch on Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, and Dune.
249; where Himself did "a two-day purge and detox" while working on the Entertainment; fn.145/1027; in Belmont, MA, where J.O.I. planned out Found Drama ("the ultimate Neorealism") "to get revenge" on critics of his films
129; junkie in Boston; 300; "the late" 690;
137; MA Department of Correction; 210
1013; I, II & III; III was "Ottawa's last attempt to placate Québec with a constitutional amendment formalizing the Gallic province's right to 'preserve and promote' a 'distinct society and culture.'" 1021;
219; molded plastic chair of, in Notkin's apartment
229 (unnamed); "beautiful young woman" high on Ecstacy, dancing in front of mirror, at Notkin's party; 233; 235
105; king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War; husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon.
259; Canadian dam on the St. Lawrence.
214; American comic actress and singer noted for her poweful voice. 1909-1984
194; woman who hangs w/Gately at Ennet House
456; locus of mammoth effectuators, in no. MA; Metheun Fan-Complex, 571; 670;
193; 1927 film by Fritz Lang; "chilling framed print of Lang directing" 951
232; filmmaker?
958; "alcoholic, addict and a sick fuck" with child visitation issues with his mother and sister
288; led by Avril I.; Tactical Phalanx, 288; fn.234/1039
182; soft drink; fn.138; taken w/Oreos for "jittery amphetaminic buzz" 200
581; tracts by, being handed out by Bruce Green's aunt
229; danced at Notkin's party
327; with Nunhagen Asprin ad on its right rear door, 332
aka "yrstruly" (12/YDPAH), 128-35; resident at Ennet House, 178; 207; "hard-core smack-addict punk" 275; 300; 615; (Note, Emil Minty is the name of the child actor who plays the "Feral Kid" in the post-apocalyptic Mel Gibson movie "Road Warrior.")
450; "alto grad student" who is Madame Psychosis' replacement at WYYY; 624;
966; disk of, playing in J. Wayne's locker. (singer/songwriter, b. Roberta Joan Anderson, Saskatchewan, Canada, 7Nov43)
184; "one enormous cerebral cortex"
472; CIA-sponsored brainwashing experiments in B.S. '53
20; Fackelmann, Dilaudid and, 932
472; Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. A tool (test) used to categorize humans by personality. Similar to (and often used concurrently with) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
108; Arab prophet of Islam; established a theocratic state at Medina after 622 and began to convert Arabia to Islam. (American Heritage Dict.)
Orin to be interviewed by some profiler from, 48; story about heart-in-a-purse lady, 142; article about Army DMZ casualty, 214; "medical, soft sports, personality, and home-entertainment-trends reporting" 227; story on Orin, 244, 1012; "supermarket-checkout-lane-display magazine" 244; "physically imposing Moment girl" 246; "a national magazine for and about exceptional people" 660;
927; "septuagenarian pink-sunglasses-and-Nehru-jacket-wearing N.C.-F.P.F. ergotic-vascular-headachetreatment specialized [who] interned at Sandoz [in Switzerland] [and was] one of T. Leary's original circle"; treats Sorkins headaches; big Grateful Dead fanatic; perhaps got the DMZ he sold to Antitois from Kite;
420; Canadian resistance group
176; Executive Director, Ennet House in Enfield, MA; 196; had a stroke, 278; "photo-seizure-prone" 361; her black 1964 Ford Aventura, 461; husband, 461; background & description, 465; and Mars (husband?), 960;
99; ETA administration, C.T.'s administrative ass't; 174; 432; about, 509-;
540; NA group
446; Gately's mother's "live-in lover, a former Navy M.P. who used to beat her up on a regular schedule"; 840-43; drove a "cheese-and-egg delivery truck for Cheese King Inc." 841; maiming flies, 842;
314.1+5. having a sharp point
fn.304/1058; Canadian president from 1984 - ??
1016; 1863-1944; Norwegian artist famous for his painting "The Scream."
219; molded plastic chair of, in Notkin's apartment
Icarus, 65; "Tristan and Isolde. Lancelot and what's-her-name. Agamemnon and Helen, Dante and Beatrice." 105; "Helen and Paris. He of Troy." Menelaus, 105; Medusa, 190, 529; Popogatapec, 243; "It's a myth no one misses [the Substance]" 273; 528; Circe, 529; "Polycleitos body, Hermes or Theseus before his trials" 636; Job, 740, 895; Promethean-guilt angle, 791; Incandenza family, 838; Camilla, "goddess of speed and light step" 965; "visually lethal mythologic females" in Himself's "The Medusa v. the Odalisque, fn.24/988;
N., Dicky
445; Crocodile
See Neaves, Didi
826; C. Treat's counselor at Ennet House
445; at AA meeting
9; collegiate athletic association
370; where "skinny hard-faced Advanced Basics girl" at Boston AA meeting was a stripper at 16-years-old
287; tennis tournament in Indianapolis IN
267; where Schacht interns in Enfield, MA; where Sorkin gets treated, 913; ad featuring painting of headachey Sorkin, 977;
78; 87;
208; "new black girl" at Ennet House resident w/skull tatooed on her upper abdomen; 543; works at ETA, 634;
253; Seven Choices: Taking the Steps to New Life After Losing Someone You Love
235; something on Notkin's bathroom's sink
404; "in Spin" dept of Gentle's administration
See G., Nell
745; "Personalistes, an aesthetic schoolf of great influence over French Catholic intellectuals circa 1930-1940" 745;
503; "grim" juvenile rehab in Dorchester MA
182; "Newton's II" possibly a reference to Newton's 2nd Law Of Motion (though the "For Every Action There's An Equal But Opposite Reaction" vibe would more accurately be conveyed by Newton's 3rd.)
78; aka Jack Nicholson in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"
291; Orin's doubles partner; 296;
291; Orin's strabismic B.U. doubles partner is an heir to its "fortune"
825; McDade bitching about having to watch
147; "N[ixon]-K[ennedy] debates of B.S. 1960"
151; 235
431; biweekly & trilingual magazine
219; Ph.D. In Film and Film-Cartridge Theory from MIT; former lover who believed there were "only a finite number of erections possible in the world" 220; father, 234; "thick swart girl" 625; on Himself's "early oeuvre" 740; interrogated by Rod the God Tine, 787;
222; 753; 1013; 1017; 1019; literally "our spoken country." (possibly this is a term used by Quebecois to refer to their country, separate from Canada?)
742; football team
886; "favored Dilaudid and spent over a year without ever taking the belt off his wing, dropping through Osco skylights at night on a rope"; "for whom Gately also occasionally held the rope on late-night Osco-and-Rite-Aid-skylight missions" 914; at AA/NA meeting (?), 960;
341; of Framington MA; Cranio-Facial Pain ads, 413;
98; ETA prorector; "hatchet-faced Kenyan" (fn.73/998)
O., Bud
844; Ennet House resident who visits Gately at St. Elizabeth's Hospital; broke his wife's nose so that it laid flat against her face and refused to let her have it fixed;
203; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
17; Oxford English Dictionary; 28; 30; 245;
140; teaches "Introduction to Entertainment Studies" at ETA; 188; 411; 515; "Reflections on Refraction" class, 756;
196; retired Air Force Nurse in Unit #4 at Ennet House; 608; "HELP WANTED sign up under the window of the lady in Unit #4 that shouts for Help" 894;
471; Canadian scientist at the Brandon Psychiatric Center who discoveredp-terminals, aka "Rivers of Reward"
65; Organization of North American Nations (U.S., Canada, Mexico); tumesence of, 283; history, 391; 1013;
4,7; Organization of North American Nations College Athletics Association; 111
36; Organization of North American Nations Medical Association
Organization of North American Nations Tennis Association; urine testing, 151; toxologist, 156; 259;
63; Office of Naval Research, U.S.D.D.; 67
834; TV show?
8; 188; fn.64/996-97
819; of self-control
288; 1903-1950, British writer whose works include Animal Farm (1945) and 1984 (1949).
288; "Politics and the English Language"
927; Sorkin's secretary, "howitzer-breasted old Green-Cardless former I.R.A.-moll"
726; A.F.R. member making rounds of halway/rehab houses; 845;
See Unspecified Services, Office of
185; filmmaker?
P ------- , Luria
see Perec, Luria
88; desolate region in extreme southwest Québec; fn.304/1058;
"weird Taoist paraboloid logo" 265;
Fenton the paranoid-schizophrenic, 47; "Pemulis's poster of the paranoid king" 60; "dealers that stay around any length of time tend to be on the paranoid side" 75; "Nothing brings you together like a common enemy" 113; "It'll help your attitude to look for evidence of design" 113; "Accident? Random happenstance?" 114; Pemulis "fears the dealer's Brutus" 156; "They" 175; "the people to be most frightened of are the people who are most frightened" 204; paranoid king, 213; "Yes, I'm paranoid--but am I paranoid enough?" fn.211/1035;
363; Ennet House resident; 611; "the totally ununderstandable Cuban" 887;
279; Asst. Mgr. at Ennet House; Ass't Director at Ennet House, 434; to "go get certified in jet-engine maintenance at East Coast Aerotech on a Mass Rehab grant" 822;
879; toy manufactured by ChildSearch.
128; straight person (?)
672; former ETA student; in Himself's films, 687; founder of the sub-14's Tunnel Club, 899; "former tow-truck shareholder" fn.209/1035;
184; Chinese-born American architect, b. 1917
185; American filmmaker parodied in Himself's Fun with Teeth, fn.24/987
fn.110; ETA student; 1009;
683; abusive father of Matty and Michael, who came over "on a boat from Louth in Lenster in 1989;
682; 23-year-old prostitute brother of Michael; described, 683; former crewmate of Poor Tony Krause, 691;
40; student at ETA and Big Buddy; rooms w/Troeltsch & Schacht in subdorm B in the back north part of the second floor of West House (171); "reptilian" (according to Avril); 50; "One kid asks you to please commit a crime" 75; "has this way of looking warily from side to side" 95, 211; Big Buddy to Lord & Possalthwaite, 116; clean-urine sales (w/Axford), 151; about, 154; "Please commit a crime" 156; DMZ arrangements with "day-shift Ennet House kid at the booth who raises the portcullis" at ETA, 171; Tenuate (methedrine) spansules, 216, 329, fn.321/1065, fn.324/1068; considering dosing Wayne, 213; puking at Port Washington, 262; "physically 'drine dependent" 267; dosed tennis opponent at P.W., 281; PowerBook, 431; waiting to see Tavis, 509, 526; interrupting Avril & J. Wayne, 552; holding forth on annulation, 570-74; "He goes to the library and pores" 785; trying to cut down on places with 'N' in their name, 908; crawling into the ceiling at ETA, "Entrepôt-bound" 916; to Hal: "cut yourself off of it altogether, you die inside. You lose your mind" fn.321/1065; takes two Tenuate spansules before a tennis game, fn.324/1067; got out of urine-test by threatening to bust Avril and J. Wayne for "major-sport interlude" fn.324/1068; "how 17 can actually go into 56 way more than 3.294 times" fn.324/1069;
921; doctor at St. Elizabeth's tending to Gately
327; ETA student, "a high-ranked thirteen-year-old but not exactly the brightest log on the Yuletide fire"; roommate w/Ingersoll, 338; perhaps seriously injured, 452 (see p.341);
333; 21-year-old brother of J.J. and "sworn foe" of Pemulis for calling him "Penisless";
687; ETA student in Himself's films
216; English Quaker colonizer in America, founded Pennsylvania in 1681.
fn.304/1060; French: "lose his heart"
30; "of Lamartine, county of L'Islet, Québec; stenographer to Tine, Sr., and to DuPlessis, 92; with whom R. Tine is "smitten" 92, fn.156 (1030); 440; aka "Swiss" woman, 566, 598, 655, 726;
382; elfin Texas businessman; presidential candidate in 1992 & 1996
See Ewell, Tiny
234;The Lead Shoes; 185; "Peterson-shaped directorial chair" 788; The Cage in background of Good-Looking Men..., 911; 957; "1947 classic The Cage " fn.24/986; "low-budget classic The Cage , which is mostly about a peripatetic eyeball rolling around" fn.366/1077;
115; ETA student; 330;
254; ETA teacher
Prettiest Girl Of All Time
fn.304/1058; authors of The Cults of the Unwavering I
510; "of California's Rolling Hills Academy"; infamous pediphile
915; Gately made false MA driver's licenses for the rich kids there
961; 12-Step splinter Ass't D.A. attends - codependency-issues
503; halfway house in Somerville MA; visited by Fortier, 727;
798; "Seated Harlequin" print hanging in Quabbin Recovery Systems; Spanish artist.
274; homosexual
434; "the biggest and foulest homeless shelter in all of Boston" where Gately works as a janitor
fn.24/987; debate w/Avril I. which was subject of Himself's Union of Theoretical Grammarians in Cambridge
204; metro Boston for "really quite wonderful" pronounced PISS-ah
358; aka Bernard; "industrial-grunge post-punk" at Ennet House
593; Gately's foggy memory of Sylvia Plath, an American writer (1932-1963) who committed suicide by sticking in her in an oven
975; colleague of Bobby C.'s; "had no real loyalties or membership in any community" fn.369/1078
17; tennis player in Hal's age group
See Krause, Poor Tony
103; I.D. Day; where ETA-PW tennis tournament is held on Long Island; "the Xerox Inc. Of North American tennis academies" 217; "a fancy tri-domed system of permanent all-weather Lung" 258;
fn.145/1027; Brandeis film critic
98; "the great lobber" at ETA; "endomorphic thirteen-year-old from Edina MN" 330; broken nose, 758; Minneapolis-developer father, fn.324/1068;
928; rare neurological disorder that Yale's star power forward has
309; ETA prorector who taught a class called "Separatism and Return: Québecois History from Frontenac Through the Age of Interdependence" in Québecois French; 523; described, 673, 675; suspects Helen Steeply is neither a "civilian soft-profiler nor even a female" 1052; "History of Canadian Unpleasantness" course, fn.304/1055;
502; still-posters from in J.O. Incandenza's childhood bedroom in Sepulveda CA (1963)
417; perhaps the BST Apple Mac computer with RISC processor
571; near Loring A.F.B.
920; w/Gately and gorgeous R.N.
188; endowed-for-perpetuity at ETA; 229
fn. 92; Bernadette Longley's doubles partner; 311; 757;
ETA post-graduates "who stay on for two years and serve as deLint's" assistants, 283; "teach one marginal class per term and serve as on-court assistants" fn.94;
198; near Boston, MA; Hester Thrale works there, 601;
170; (10/22/YDAU) hosting "Madame Psychosis Hour," M-F 0000h.-0100h., on M.I.T.'s semi-underground WYYY, FM-109, "Largest Whole Prime On The FM Band"; 181; main theme is film and film-cartridges, 185; "issue of enclosure" 189; "strangely empty" voice, 189; music, 190, 191; "Madame's Downer-Lit Hour," 191; 450; 589; inaugural year: YW, 591; 625; "used to read an Eve Arden beauty brochure all the time where [she] says: 'The importance of a mask is to increase your circulation'" 774; mother killed in a garbage disposal, 788; in Gately's dream "with wings and no underwear and asks if they knew him, the dead guy with the head" 934; in Himself's Low-Temperature Physics, fn.24/991; See also van Dyne, Joelle
427; Marathe's favorite off-duty place, in Boston MA; draining the pond in November, 621;
22; latin singer and bandleader (b. Ernesto Antonio Puente, Jr., 20April23, NYC.)
461; in Allston MA, where Gately shops for Ennet House
129; junkie in Boston
427; French: "pursuit of happiness"; "il ne faut plus qu'on pursuive le bonheur" 483;
Quabbin Recovery Systems
797; where "Inner Infant" group is located, which group Hal happens upon, in Natick MA; "Q.R.S. Infantilist" 954;
29; about, 58; 64; 89; 137; alphabetical tally of groups, 144; highway mirrors, 311; fn.110/1011-1; F.L.Q., 1019;
R., Sven
fn.195/1033; Crocodile who was a refinisher and fixed table Gately cracked
60; ETA student; 264; 869;
fn.234/1038; New Yorker film critic
453; from which K.D. Coyle was lured at 13 years old
64; Royal Canadian Mounted Police
707; NA group Joelle v.D. attends
46; of Maddox OH (408); ETA student in Orin's dream; 296; playing E. Clipperton, 408; in Himself's films, 687; picture of, in Clipperton Suite, 759;
92; 1017; Territorial Reconfiguration of NE U.S. and SE Canada, fn.177/1032;
picture frames, 229; hand within hand
759; ETA student; rooms w/Esteban Reynes
fn.234/1044; next-door neighbor of Incandenzas in Weston, who was "so-called 'friends' with" the Moms
aka Eckwus, 129; "hideous" & addict acquaintance of Poor Tony's, 300; 683; Gately acquaintance, 887;
37; boyfriend of Wardine
fn.24/986; narrated Annular Fusion Is Our Friend ;
834; popular TV cartoon of '90s ("Steempy! You seek leetle mawnkey!")
759; ETA student; rooms w/ Redondo
627; 631; rank has its privileges
154; aka "Soma R.-L.-O. Chawaf"; teaches Literature of Discipline at ETA ; J. Incandenza Jr.'s "loyal sound engineer, Best Boy, production assistant, and third-favorite actress, respectively" 188; 515; played in Himself's Low-Temperature Physics, fn.24/991;
186; "E.T.A.'s original architect, Avril's old [...] friend, the topology world's closed-curve-mapping Übermensch" fn.3/983; designed M.I.T.'s Student Union, his summum opus; fn.180/1032;
578; in Union Square in Allston MA
862; Joelle's Daddy's partner at the shop; "breathed some kind of fume at the shop when I was little, and now he'll always try and climb up on top of shit"
668; "for the Tunnel Club;" Robert's Rules of Order, (Henry Martyn Robert ) The Strunk & White for (usu. governmental) meetings, sort of. First published 1876.)
271; American painter
87; slang for cigarette
276; actor, played The Joker on the campy Batman TV series.
12; French philosopher (1712-1778)
37; lives with Wardine (brother?)
37; Wardine's momma's boyfriend; dealing in Brighton Projects, 129; at Boston NA meeting, 505;
33, "Sometimes called Òthe Empty Quarter.Ó 1. A desert region in the southeast interior of the Arabian Peninsula. (American Heritage Dictionary)
50; ETA psych-counselor; 252; 437; w/Stice, 550; Champion An Inner Child Today , 551;
479; "upscale pub-type bar" in Cambridge MA; Gender-Dysphoric Night, 691; where Marathe & Kate Gompert are drinking, 775;
63; Strategic Air Command
Eschaton term. Literally: Strikes Against Civilian Populations. Figuratively: to go "postal."
745; (1934-1996) pop-astronomer of whom Orin does an impression
209; 12-Step group; 856;
209; in Boston, MA
86; where Ewell detoxed
91; Russian: "any sort of politically underground or beyond-the-pale press or the stuff published thereby" 1011; "the Entertainment" as, 490, 549; 658;
170; where LSD was first created;
952; floor plans for, at Qal'at Si'man
860; "Ferocious Francis's own sponsor, the nearly dead guy they wheel to White Flag"
138; Substance Abuse Services
7; Dean of Admissions at Univ. of AZ, interviewing Hal
31; 50; ETA senior; rooms w/Pemulis & Troeltsch; Crohn's Disease, 103, 266, 633; tight with Mario and with Lyle, 263; "doesn't care all that much whether he wins anymore" 306; "thick and solid" 457;
52; 70-year-old Head Coach and Athletic Director at ETA; about, 79; "We Are What We Walk Between" 81; in love with a tree, 83; smokes pipe, 391; early supporter of J. Gentle, fn.169/1031; "Traversion is character" fn.234/1039; "self-transcendence through pain" 660; with Mario heading for Evangeline's Low-Temperature Confections, 701; listening to Wagner, 755;
835; "a poseur like"
207; what Boston Bikers refer to themselves as
944; American film director (Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, The Last Waltz, Raging Bull, The Last Temptation of Christ, Goodfellas, Casino, Kundun, etc.)
834; American comedian and TV actor
735; paranoid addict who raves about the "metal" people to Maranthe; 748
165; never-miss consistency; 675; (italian: "without errors")
359; the well-dressed man outside the Boston AA meetings, in Gately's dream, yanked people out with a shepherd's staff; 463; 468;
"high-pitched grunts that if girls could only hear what their own grunts sounded like they'd cut it out" [He really writes that!]
37; lives with Wardine (sister?); daughter of black addict
546; NA group, St. E's
272; where Gately works as a janitor; 434; 709;
223; "equestrian statue of" in Boston, draped in Québecois flag
50; ETA student; sponsorship, 266;
196; Unit #5 at Ennet House, where catatonics are "stored"
925; "with the ladies" (1820-1891) "American Union general. Appointed commander of all Union troops in the West (1864), he captured Atlanta (1864) and led a destructive March to the Sea, which effectively cut the Confederacy in two." (American Heritage Dictionary)
741; KY football team on which the first boy ever to approach Joelle in a male-female way played as a lineman ("half blind on Everclear punch"), 741;
53; pro-level sports, specif. the A.T.P. tour (111); 109; 111; "When you hit the Show is when you'll understand primitive" 243; 259; 263; 269;
198; near Boston, MA
619; "hammered" security guy at Gately/Nuck altercation
213; a type of fractal using equilateral triangles; Waclaw Sierpinski (1882-1969), Polish mathmetician
950+2; forehead, specif. the part of the head shielded by the frontal bone; (i.e. between the anterior fontanelle and the nasal bone. Note that the "occiput" is the name of the inferior/posterior part of the skill shielded by the occipital bone.)
834; play on words: cirrhosis of the liver.
514; young ETA student
See Monroe, Dr. Robert
208; Ennet House resident
525; "barrel-chested Latvian" satellite pro (fn.221)
131; ethnic slur for an Asian person
130; (not named) mugged by Poor Tony and left to die; Ennet House resident with no hands or feet, 274;
110; Tennis pro whose cartridge Hal and his Buddies are viewing
229; "insufferable child actor"; 714; in Himself's Low-Temperature Physics, fn.24/991;
582; rock band
583; Don Ho's back-up band
131; addict buddy of C's in the days of his youth; scammed by Fackelmann, 886; "the migrainous bookie" 892; "terrible cranio-facial neuralgia" 913; arrives for Fackelmann's demise
835; Gately "wiggling his pinkie to indicate the world's smallest viola playing the theme from" (1971 documentary. 4+ hour long French film documenting French attitudes toward the German occupation in WWII and in particular their (the French's) complicity therewith.)
274; aka the Disease aka addiction/dependence
102; ETA student; 198; 636; Big Buddy to Kittenplan, 758;
202; Boston street term for having no money
154; "outlying district zoned for sprawl" where Pemulis is from (in Allston, MA); 180
896; aka MDMA, Ecstacy
"Libertine Statute, wearing some type of enormous adult-design diaper" 33; "other arm holds aloft a product [...] changed each 1 Jan." 367
208; Ennet House alumna & volunteer counselor; Gompert's counselor, 361; rumored to attend Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, 462;
88; Unspecified Services field operative; described, 93; his "green sedan subsidized by a painful ad" 107 (see also p.327); "made his early career [...] conducting technical interviews" 108; aka "Helen" the journalist--story about heart-in-a-purse lady, 142; "Putative Curriculum Vitae" of Helen, 227; 317; "assigned to cultivate some of the Entertainment's alleged filmmaker's relatives and inner circles" 375; 1012; going to ETA as "Helen" fn.147/1028; "the ugliest supposedly female feet" 419; what America really wants, 423; 565; 622; at ETA, 627; his father, 638; H.H., 639; kid sister, 643; at Stice/Hal match, 652;
"sharp star of frond-shade" 165; "star's points" 187; Stelliform Cultism, 560; "perfectly round [...] radiating knives of light" 88; "gigantic asterisk shadows" 88; something Lenz talks about; "antihistorical American stelliformism" fn.304/1058; "stelliform offshoots" of Le Assassins " fn.304/1060;
203; metro Boston for panhandling
129; junkie hangout in Enfield Squar[e], Boston
44; British rock singer ("Rod the Mod")
17; patriotic ETA student; big fan of Schtitt, 105; Big Buddy to Wagenknecht; 264; rooms w/Coyle, 394; conferring w/Lyle, 394; fn.185; crewcutted, 520; counterphobia, 550; parents (Mr. Stice and The Bride), 628;11/11/YDAU match w/Hal described, 652; forehead stuck to window, 865; 3 statisticians joke, 867; bed is on the ceiling, 942; bet Coyle "he could stand on his desk chair and lift it up at the same time" 943;
281; ETA student on "C" team, singing opera on the bus
329; candded- and frozen vegetable conglomerate (?)
206; where McDade works
121; ETA student; Donni, 523, 965; "Valley-Map laugher" fn.324/1067;
123; "Power-game tradition"; Dutch tennis player of the mid-70s, winner of numerous Grand Slam doubles titles playing with Wendy Turnbull.
49; of Orinda, CA; ETA student and Big Buddy to Tallat-Kelpsa, Traub & Whale; Gopnik); pet tarantula, 519; wears braces, 638; studying Québec-separatist history, fn.304/1055; about his dissipated dad, fn.304/1058;
82; 239; kidnapped, 622-26; 726-27;
43; Orin's affectionate moniker for his partners in one-night stands; 566;
151; when corporations sponsor a year, which year the sponsor may name, at the end of which year they sell the sponsorship to the highest bidder; chronology, 223 (first was B.S.2002 [note: I left this 2002 thing in because I couldn't disprove it, but nor can I recall in the text where one can fix subsidized time to "regular" time. In fact when I did it I came up with a different year. I can't recall how I came up with my answer either. -SMR-]; "Subsidized Time," 234; 260; "a revenue-response to the heady costs of the U.S.'s Reconfigurative giveaway" 438; 439-42; fn.304/1057;
563; AA group whose Chair used to be a nuclear auditor for the Defense industry ("used tod wear a four-piece suit and the fourth piece was him")
342; Himself's ad for, fn.24/986; "like being down at Sunstrand Plaza when they fired the transformers" fn.234/1042; "O.N.A.N.-Sunstrand waste-intensive fusion facility up in what used to be Montpelier"
fn.324/1069; theme; (b. 1926, Australian operatic soprano)
540; "just east of Watertown on No. Harvard St." in Boston
552; younger ETA student
fn.269/1047; British poet and critic who wrote musical, often erotic verse in which he attacked the conventions of Victorian morality. (American Heritage Dictionary)
216; at ETA for "two paid weeks of corrective instruction"
Tallat-Kelpsa, Audern
118; younger ETA student; 265;
515; grueling tennis drill, aka "Puker"
185; American filmmaker (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction)
185; "some Russian guy" (1932-1986), Soviet film director
722; A.F.R. volunteer to view cartridges; partial colostomy, 725;
975; box carried by a "very bland groomed collegeish guy in a Wembley tie, during Fackelmann's demise
3; bald, plump & 48 years old (314); Headmaster at Enfield Tennis Academy; half-brother of Avril Incandenza; "a former engineer most recently employed in Amateur Sports Administration at Throppinghamshire Provincial College, New Brunswick, Canada" 64; "either Mrs. Incandenza's half-brother or adoptive brother, depending on the version' 81; "his collection of platform shoes and unconvincing hairpieces and StairMaster" 253; 285; becomes Assistant Headmaster at ETA, 286-87; possibly Mario's biological father, 451; "a reverse-Buddhism, a state of Total Worry" 451; background, 516; "possibly the openest man of all time" "a cross-section of a person" 517; 526; 655; "a master charmer past all social gauge" fn.266/1046; "Gretel the Cross-Sectioned Dairy Cow" fn.269/1048; "misadventure at Himself's funeral" 907, 910;
901; Avril's step-mother, "an American widow [who] seems almost certainly to have been a dwarf" 901; "still alive and somewhere in Alberta" 953;
200; "some kind of interior psychic worm that cannot be sated or killed" (Latin slang for one's addiction)
182; CD-ROM student paper at MIT
See TP
300; Boston prostitute who copes for Poor Tony
and drugs, 67; combination of chess & boxing, 81; Schtitt's theories on, 81-84; "The true oponent, the enfolding boundary, is the player himself" 84; Stan Smith cartridge, 110; "It's an individual sport" 112; 3 types of student (Despairing; Obsessive; Complacent), 115; "sheer repetitive weight makes it sink down into the gut" 117; and Brando, 158; the ball, 160; The Zone, 166; service,172; seeding, 174; in the groove, 242-43; 258; "largely mental" 269; college recruiting, 284; after achieving top ranking, 436; the Fresno family that's poisoned, 436; dawn drills, 452; "This second world inside the lines" 459; "junior players don't have the emotional juice left over after tennis to face what dating requires" 635; "Axiom: the man who has to hit up from the net is going to get passed" 653; what top tennis requires, 675-76; famous burnouts, 676; Billboard Who Walks, 676; gestalt or complete game, 679; "ability to transcend the goal" 680; Sydrome of the Endless Party, 681; "Life is like tennis. Those who serve best usually win." 952; match-wrap, 966; See also Show, the;
44; roach exterminators in Phoenix, AZ. (No evident relation to Terminix.)
113; "Girls 16's/18's prorecter" at ETA (338); "regarded by the upperclassmen as probably insane" 307; "The Toothless Predator: Breast-Feeding as Sexual Assault" 307; takes lots of thiamine, 339; her sister Ruth, a senior at ETA during Orin's time, 955
188; prorector who teaches Trigonometry of Cubes at ETA; prorector in Hal's dorm, fn.82; "Deviant Geometries" 306; terrible stutter, 456;
180; female Ennet House resident; Earth tatooed on her stomach, 207; Alfa Romeo gets towed, 823;
195; Ennet House alumnus & volunteer counselor, former NYC porno actor; Bruce Green's counselor, 582; cartridge Gately saw of Thrust having sex with a lady with only one arm" 819; recounting Ennet House fight w/Nucks to Gately, 819-21; air of imminent departure, 823;
171; Tennis book written in 1937
289; tennis champ of early 20th century. Book Tilden On Spin, p.171
92; Chief of Office of Unspecified Services; acknowledged architect of O.N.A.N. and continental Reconfiguration; and Luria P.("a great and timeless love"), 94, 105-06; 312; 392; "former O.C.D.-support-group-sponsor and later Clean U.S. Party campaign manager" fn.156/1030; penis measuring, 548; in State House Annex, 622; White House Adviser on Interdependent Relations, 876;
622; D.S.S. Regional Operative; meeting re ads telling kids not to watch dubious entertainment cartridges
208; Ennet House resident; "stout alcoholic kid" 609;
34; chocolate candy imported from Switzerland; 48
80; prorector at ETA
fn.24/987; plays academic in Himself's Fun with Teeth
95; sentence syntax; (1828-1910) Russian writer/philosopher. (War and Peace, Anna Kerenina)
364; U.H.I.D. member at AA meeting;
961; wife of Ass't D.A. after Gately
what Hal listened to over and over after Himself died, 41; "protracted death-aria from" "There is no music for free-floating misery like Tosca" 896; Puccini aria.
404; by Pol and Diang
880; cartoon character; (for Froot Loops cereal, a la "Tony The Tiger")
442; AA Group in Braintree
20; Teleputer: combination television/VCR/computer/videophone; power-Tps described, 60; "difference [...] between your historical broadcast TV set and a cartridge-capable TP" 96; "InterLace-designed R.I.S.C.-grade High Def-screen Pcs with mimetic-resolution cartridge-view motherboards" 417;
705; Catholic monks who have taken a vow of silence
118; younger ETA student
207; Ennet House resident; 270; "violently red hair" & former prostitute & HIV-positive, 277; "secret dream [...] to get her G.E.D. and become a dental hygienist" 575; "father had been one-time Chair of the Northeast Regional Board of Dental Anesthesiologists" fn.239/1044; developed "goopy Virus-related eye infection" 826;
185; "hoary dramaturgy of" British actor/stage director of late 1800s/earlt 1900s.
196; catatonic at The Shed who comes out and touches the tree in #5's lawn
757; tennis pro (possibly fictional)
441; faced by Gentle's administration: "Outflows required, inflows restricted, balance demanded"
8; 188; (see FN # 64)
50; ETA student and Big Buddy; rooms w/Pemulis & Schacht;"promoting" Pemulis's Tenuate, 60, fn.5a.983; "constant 'drines" 267; wants a tennis-broadcasting career, 308; "left-eye-nystamic" 329; paranoid about powdered milk, 630; "and sex: no way" 634; 673; "heavy-browed red-nostriled kid" 677; sleeping in Axhandle's room, 869;
282; PM of Canada
443; see Tough Shit But You Still Can't Drink
922; "fake-Turner fog-and-boat print" on Gately's hospital room wall
411; owned TBS cable TV network; 473
903; lectured on by the Naval M.P. [?? Orkin man, see line 25] to young Gately; 1978 novel by William Pierce (pen name Andrew Macdonald), leader of the neo-Nazi National Alliance. About an Aryan revolution that deposes the US government.
533; see Union of the Hideously and Improbably Deformed
738; Joelle's Personal Daddy's uncle
191; "depressing book" read by Madame Psychosis. (1947 book by Malcolm Lowry)
50; tavern in Enfield, MA, with Blind Bouncer; 476; 997; 581;
187; "an agnostic-style 12-step support-group"; an 11-step support group; Madame Psychosis reads their announcement on the air at WYYY; "The fatally pulchritudinous" 190; "unofficially founded in London in B.S. 1940 [to] afford the scopophobic empathic fellowship and the genesis of sturdy inner resources through shame-free and unconstrained concealment" 226; "Compelling Within Compatible Limits" 231; 317; 363; explicated, 533; and Bud O.'s wife, 844;
710; where black addict worked;
88; aka Bureau des Services sans Spécificité (B.S.S.); 382; why A.F.R. gives them the fantods, 420; encompasses Nat'l Security Agency, "A.T.F. and D.E.A., C.I.A. and O.N.R. and Secret Service" fn.228/1037
50; ETA student; 264; 682; described, 703;
fn.24/987; American novelist parodied in Himself's Fun with Teeth
65; possibly US Dept. of Defense (usu. abbreviated DOD)
See Unspecified Services, Office of
vade mecum
156; " A useful thing that one constantly carries about; A book, such as a guidebook, for ready reference." (Am. Heritage)
34 ; promulgater of "North American sufism"
595; "brand-new Court-Ordered female" at Ennet House "who looks like one of those people you see in pictures of African famine"; 698; dumped her baby in an alley, 699; purse snatched by Poor Tony, 714;
82; "a Dutch immigrant low-level pro who became a major pro coach and tennis-education-theory guru" (fn.184); 457;
191; architect
fn.209/1035; senior male ETA student
219; "retreat into broadcast sound" 220; wears a linen veil, 220; contemplating "the absolute end of her life and beauty" 221; "excruciatingly alive and encaged" 222; "veilless [...] like some grotesque clown" 223; involved w/Jim Incandenza, Jr., 224; "after the acid, after first Orin left and then Jim came and made her sit through that filmed apology-scene and then vanished and then came back" 225; "Imitate the wife and mother they both declined to shoot" 225; aka Madame P., 225; formerly lived w/Orin I., 227; living on Himself's "generous trust" 228; "has never seen the completed assembly of what she'd appeared in [...] and doubts that any sum of scenes as pathologic as he'd stuck that long quartzy auto-wobbling lens on the camera and filmed her for could have been as entertaining as he'd said the thing he'd always wanted to make had broken his heart by ending up" 228; "mirror of quality plate" 229; background, 234; "deveiled, too pretty for words, maybe the Prettiest Girl of All Time" 239, 290; 249; 289; "the prettiness getting visibly worse day by day" 298; admitted to Ennet House on 11/8/YDAU, 345 (& fn.134); 361; 364; vegetarian, 475; talking w/Gately, 531; the veil, 533; "I'm so beautiful I drive anybody with a nervous system out of their fucking mind" 538; aka "Joe L."543; in I.J. , 549; 563; "after [J.v.D.] had been disfigured" 634; considering showing someone "the face" 710; obsessing on her teeth, 723; dream of Gately, 724; and cleaning, 736; and earplugs, 736; and Orin, 736; aka "Pokie" 737; introduced to Himself by Orin, 739; majored in "Film/Cartridge Studies" at MIT, 743; "terrible accident and deformation" 790; father "a low-pH chemist for a Kentucky reagent outfit" 792; the horrible accident described, 793; real name: Lucille Duquette, 795; bull named Mr. Man and mule named Chet, 861; being interrogated by B.S.S., 938-41; returning to Ennet House after interrogation and seeing in parked in front "the Middlesex County Sheriff's car [with] a uniform at the wheel absently feeling his face" 958;
See also Madame Psychosis
van Dyne, Joe Lon
295; Joelle's father, of Shiny Prize, KY, and of the Dyne-Riney Proton Donor Reagent Corp. Of Boaz KY; 315; still "sucking air" 563; mother died same Thanksgiving Day that Joelle had "irreparable facial trauma" 791; real name: "Earl or Al Duquette of extreme southeast KY" 795; never named dogs, 861;
fn.148/1029; ETA student; "kid who carried a guitar around with himself everyplace but never played it" fn.324/1071;
115; ETA student; 460;
265; ETA term for Vector/Angle/Pace/Spin; 568;
214; 17-year-old ETA student & twin of Sharyn, from Akron, OH; ONAN's top-ranked junior women's doubles team (w/Sharyn); "special one-match doubles exhibition" 217; twins "play as one" 218; 661;
214; 17-year-old ETA student & twin of Caryn, from Akron, OH; ONAN's top-ranked junior women's doubles team (w/Caryn); "special one-match doubles exhibition" 217; 661;
281; Victory by Default
259; #1 American tennis "kid", in Florida
415; co-owner of Viney and Veals; Gentle's campaign manager, 418; Veals Associates Advertising, 440; 11/20/YDAU meeting re ads warning against viewing dubious entertainment cartridges, 876;
381; "the tanned, gold-chained labor union" headed by Johnny Gentle; enforced "Live Silence" strike-thing
64; 190; stress, 144-51; Video-Physiognomic Dysphoria (VPD), 147; Transmittable Tableau (TT), 149; Optimistic Misrepresentational Masking (OMM), 149; Tableaux, 149, fn.234/1039;
411; "where. . .Subsidized Tim was conceived";
204; street argot for the bookmaker's commission on an illegal bet
360; in Boston MA; orchestrated cable campaign against the Big Four; 393; 412;
129; prostitute in Boston
231; of Emerson College, at Notkin's party
W., Bill
833; founder of AA; Bill Wilson
119; younger ETA student; 1017;
447; neighbor of Gately's as a child; about, 847; suicide, 848;
93; progenitors of feral hamsters; (presumably named after Ward and June Cleaver, parents of Wally and The Beaver in 1957 - 1963 b/w feel-goody sitcom "Leave It To Beaver.")
931; father and son in 50s TV sitcom "Leave It To Beaver" (see Ward and June, above)
98; ETA prorector; 306; teaches "energy in models of resource-scarcity and resource-plenty [...] fossil fuels all the way up to annular fusion/fission cycles" 569; [Note: Tex Watson is the name of one of the members of Charles Manson's clan that slaughtered Sharon Tate, her unborn child, and four houseguests 9August1969.]
Hal: "I think very briefly of the late" 16; 941; in Accomplice!; "one of the very few professional actors Himself ever used" 944; lived with his mother and her cats in Glen Riddle PA, 944; "Himself had actually put Watt, mother, and cats up in a contiguous suite of what later became prorectors' rooms off the main E.T.A. tunnel, the Moms [...] instructing Orin, Mario, and [Hal] never ever to remain in a room alone with Watt" 944; in Himself's Various Small Flames, fn.24/988; plays CEO father in Himself's Low-Temperature Physics, fn.24/991;
68; rococo style; (Jean-Antoine Watteau. French Rococo Era
Painter, 1684-1721)
170; writer of popular books on Zen Buddhism & Eastern philosophy
856; 19-year-old-who-looked 40 who Joelle saw at St. Columbkill meeting; had a 10-year blackout; deep diagonal furrow in face "the Flaw";
"standing watch in a mask as Donald Gately and [Hal] dig up [Hal's] father's head" 16; 17-year-old Canadian student and best tennis player at ETA; dinners at HmH w/Incandenzas, 192; from Montcerf, Québec ("an asbestos-mining town"), 259; his tennis game ("an automatic beauty"), 260-63; hangs out with other morose "Nucks" 263; w/Avril, 552; 681; AFR spy ? 726; WETA incident, 899; "had been involved with the Moms sexually since roughly the second month after his arrival" (according to Hal), 957; "Troeltsch's got Wayne on the air and Wayne's lost his mind" fn.324/1072; "jury-rigged the Duke into candid sharing for the WETA broadcast" fn.332/1073; imitation of C.T. asking a cheerleader out, fn.332/1074; "public castigations of his various peers and instructors" fn.332/1074;
fn.304/1060; only asbestos miner's son in le Jeu to not jump; relative of John Wayne (?)
609; (two-handed shooting stance with the weapon arms slightly bent to absorb recoil. Seen in countless movies where police have time to set up (eg. outside a suspect's hotel door.) Supposedly named after one Jack Weaver, though--also supposedly--Weaver did not invent it.)
371; phenomenally voluptuous American actress of 1970s.
815; former president of I.B.E.W., during whose administration Ewell's father lost the I.B.E.W. account
716; where Kate Gompert played crack the whip as a child during "Wee Blades' Toddler Skating Hour" 716;
694; German: world-weariness;
10; suburb of Tucson AZ, where the Incandenzas lived when Hal ate the mold; aka "Volvoland" fn.234/1041
130; involving bloodshed
119; 13-year-old ETA student; 568; rooms w/"Beak" and "Virgilio" 757;
4; held during Thanksgiving week at Randolph Tennis Center in Tucson AZ; 217
317; "on the Mnemonic Verbal Inventory" that Hal tested out on, eidetic meaning extraordinarily detailed and vivid visual recall.
89; "remote embryonic disseminatory Ops base in AZ" 106; "of the E.W.D.-receptacle-festooned Papineau region of southwestern Québec" 1022; "penchant for showing off" 419; and the Antitoi brothers, 484-88; "suicidal Nuck cult [...] that worshipped a form of Russian Roulette that involved jumping in front of trains" 560; at Antitois, 719; intentions, 722, fn.304/1057; about, fn.304/1055-62; "To hear the squeak" fn.304/1057;
1050; (see Wounded, Hurting, Inadequately Nurtured but Ever-Recovering Survivors )
441; "east-Canadian idiom for vigorous high-pitched complaining, almost like whining except with a semanti tinge of legitimacy to the complaint"
4; Univ. Of Arizona varsity tennis coach
209; Enfield MA AA group; "old guys with suspendered bellies and white crew cuts and geologic amounts of sober time, the Crocodiles" 278; meet at Provident Nursing Home on Hanneman Street, a couple blocks from ETA, 343; 354;
181; "petwoleum jelly salesman outta of Bwookline"; USMC flier who always comes to Nickerson Stadium to give away petroleum-jelly samples, 295;
757; Swedish tennis pro; b. 1964, appeared in eleven grand slam finals from from 1982 - 1988, winning seven (3 Austalian Opens, 3 French Open, 1 US Open.)
37; lives with Wardine (brother?)
17; famous tennis pro? Power-game tradition; 1012; (b. 17June80. As I'm keying this in--on 6/24/02-- Venus has won four grand slams and her sister Serena has won two. They are currently ranked 1 and 2 in the world respectively.) [Note the question mark, which should date the initial version of this index rather nicely. Also note that Venus won her first professional tennis match in October of 1994 but did not win her first major until July of 2000. And finally, note that Wallace wrote Infinite Jest from 1993 - 1996. Hell of a guess, eh?)
647; "empty of intent"
508; Ennet House resident "on the I/O nightshift" at B.S.S.; 565; being sexually harassed by Lenz, 565; 601; during Gately/Nuck fight, 614; spiked her heel through Nuck's eye and killed him, 827;
fn.209/1035; ETA student
415; "hairless and sugar-addicted in La Honda CA" in 1999; (as implied in the text, Winkler played the astronomically popular character of Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli on the 1970s TV sitcom Happy Days.)
188; in Cambridgeport, MA; Mario's school until 3 yrs before Y.D.A.U.
131; Chinese high-priced-dope dealer in Hung Toy's Cold Tea Emporium in Chinatown; 300; where Facklemann purchases bulk Dilaudid, 931
589; station Mario listens to: "narcotizing orchestral arrangements of old Carpenters songs" 589;
16; giganticism
"evil people never believe they are evil, but rather that everyone else is evil" 202; "you will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do" 203
129; hypodermic needle, spoon, tie, i.e., junkie's hardware
with respect to
372; 12-step program for incest and child-abuse survivors, to which Joelle belongs
170; FM-109; "Largest Whole Prime On The FM Band", out of MIT in Cambridge, MA; "Those Were the Legends That Formerly Were" 181-82; 450; 726; 769; "doing its weather-report via mimesis, broadcasting raw static" 949;
475; addictive drug; fn.199
Yale Journal of Alcohol Studies
See Rader, Graham
876; Director of Marketing and Product-Perception, Glad Flaccid Receptacle Corporation
70; 695;psychotic depression; (Russian poet. "In the early '60s -- when Soviet Communism briefly softened --Mikhail Gorbachev heard him read his poetry and was changed instantly. Thus the seed was planted that would later bear the fruit of glasnost, perestroika, and the fall of Soviet power." - Wall Street Journal, 31Oct2000)
See Willis, Yolanda
See Minty, Emil
Zegarelli, E., D.D.S.
27; ETA dentist under Group Plan; 509; 526; 1010; fn.352/1077;
903; lectured on by the Naval M.P. [?? Orkin man, see line 25] to young Gately; Antisemitic/white-supremacist/extremist acronym for Zionist Occupied Government.
"when you feel perfectly calibrated" 242; "self-consciousness that kills the magic [...] Tightening Up" 249; "I was in The Zone, therapeutically speaking" 256; "a pitcher who has a no-hitter going" 260;
756; young student at ETA; 761
Odds & Ends
constellations: 507-08
Black Widow, 108
hand in hand tattoo, 207